facts about Denmark - the Danes and their Cultural Life and Heritage! |
- A Cute little Fairy Tale Kingdom - But a Giant Subject! |
- A Fairytale Kingdom |
- A Fairytale Kingdom & Welfare Nation!
Danish Tourism Poster. |
- Vikings & Viking Country |
- Captivating & Surprising Viking Country
in a Fairytale Kingdom. |
of Denmark
This presentation of Denmark is designed and produced
as one long historical page in chronological order
- which the editorial team find is the best way
to portray the Danish Nation
- the Danes and their Culture, and probably the
Happiest Kingdom in the world
- as well as the most convenient manner to learn
about Denmark step by step in this brief profile
that describes the Danish history
- culture - heritage
- everyday life and the
ambitious and freedom loving
Danes behind it all. First we present
a map of the country - then the
birth of the Danish Kingdom - the capital
and bigger cities - the Viking
Era - The Danish Monarchy
- paving the way to democracy
- religion and Christian culture
- the Danish democracy - the
Danish flag "Dannebrog"
- the history and landscape -
Denmark and Scandinavia - Scandinavian
Democracies - Denmark at a glance -
the Danish food culture - the
Danish model - the Danish export
companies - assistance and founding
to the Third World - relationship to
NATO - EU and the Danish
Troops abroad - the Danes
- the unofficial National anthem
- the Danish emigrants and finally
a picture gallery from all around
Denmark called - Destination
The Cultural Heritage and the Danes
This is also a brief summery of the Danish Cultural
Heritage and Christening of the Danes that reaches
more than thousands years back in time - to the
Protestant Reformation in 1536
- and until the Democratic Constitution
was finally signed in June 1849
- as well as great credit to
all the freedom loving Danes
that have contributed to build up the Danish
Kingdom - Danish Nation
and Danish Welfare Society through
countless generations - and over numerous centuries.
Shuffle Index & Menu
It is possible to shuffle trough the program and
select different subjects in random order by just
clicking the topic you find appropriate and interesting.
To return to the index and menu - just press the
headlines on the coloured bars - and experience
the topics -
inquisitive Tourists and Visitors ask about the
Danes and Denmark.
This presentation will constantly be extended
and changed with new topics about Denmark - until
our separate Denmark-Portal is completed! |
Brief Tour through Denmark |
Denmark Map & Major Cities |
Danish Royal Coat of Arms |
Royal Coat of Arms is used exclusively by the Danish
Monarch and the Royal House - the Danish Court, and
by the Royal Danish Life Guards. The 3 lions in the
Royal Coat of Arms symbolises the historic Kalmar Union
between Denmark, Norway, and Sweden - and the polar
bear and the ram, represents Greenland and the Faroe
Islands. |
has one of the oldest monarchies in the world. |
by Joseph Desire Court illustrates the Coronation of
King Christian VIII of Denmark in 1840 - sitting beside
his Consort Queen Caroline Amalie. This was the last
Crowning ceremony in Denmark. |
Denmark is placed on top of the European
Continent and a part of Scandinavia -
and one of the Nordic Well Fare States.
And by ancient storytelling - Denmark is one of the
oldest Kingdoms in the world with its 68 km terrestrial
southern border across Jutland - facing towards Germany.
Native name: Danmark. (Dania)
Flag: Red - with a white Christian Cross - and the
oldest national flag in the world. (Dannebrog)
National Anthem: Der er et yndigt land. (Public
and festive events)
National Anthem: Kong Christian stod ved højen
mast. (Royal and official occasions)
Population: 5,8 million.
Language: Danish.
Total Area: 43,093 km².
Coast line & Beach areas: 8,750 km.
Biggest Island: Sealand - (Zealand) -
7,031 km².
Islands: 400 - 90 inhabited.
Highest point: 173 m. Yding Skovhøj.
Mid-point: Odsherred - Sealand.
Northern point: Skagen - North Jutland.
Southern point: Gedser - Falster.
Western point: Blåvands Huk - West Jutland.
Eastern point: Denmark - Østerskær
- Christiansø.
Capital: Copenhagen.
(København) - (Hafnia) (Largest Capital in Scandinavia)
Currency: Danish Kroner. (DKK)
Latitude: 56° 00' N - longitude:
10° 00' E.
Time Zone: UCT+1.
water: All
tap water in Denmark is 100% drinkable.
Summer Time - "Daylight Saving Time":
Summer Time "Daylight Saving Time" season
- spans over 7 - spring - summer and autumn months in
Denmark - and is from April to October every year.
Climate: Temperate
windy climate season - cold winter - mild spring - normally
warm summer - pleasingly lukewarm autumn.
Country Code: +45
Driving: Right side of the road.
The Danish State Religion & State Church
Denmark has since 964 been a Christian
Nation and later combined with a National State Religion
and National State Church. (Den Danske Statsreligion)
and (Den Danske Folkekirke)
State Religion: Evangelical Lutheran & Christian
Protestant Church - since 1536.
Government type: Parliamentary Democracy - Constitutional
Head of state: King Frederik X.
Autonomous Regions: Faroe Islands and Greenland.
Danish Cities and inhabitants:
1. Copenhagen -
1,8 million + Greater Copenhagen
2. Aarhus
- 352,000
3. Odense -205,000
4. Aalborg -120,000
5. Esbjerg -116,000
History & Birth Certificate of the Old Danish Kingdom |
& Civilisation began in Denmark at the little
Jelling settlement around 964 A.C.
the 10th century and for over thousand
yeas ago A.C. - the little Viking village
called Jelling on the east coast
of Jutland - was a quite important
part of Danish history. The Jelling Settlement was
the official capital of Denmark
and the centre of all Royal influence and
political power. At that time Vejle
Fjord and lakes went right up to Jelling
- that allowed ships to enter the city by sea - and
where trading activities flourished together with
an increasing numbers of active citizens - enterprising
merchants - diligent peasants and tough Viking Worriers.
The historical remains that proof the birth of
Christianity and Civilisation
in Denmark can be explored at Jelling
by means of two carved Runic Stones
- the biggest one is a national symbol and called
“The Birth Certificate of the Danish
Kingdom” - created and erected by legendary
King Harald "Bluetooth"
one Christian Church from 1050 A.C.
- and two Royal Burial Mounds that
once was the final resting place for the first King
and Queen of Denmark - King
“Gorm the Old” and Queen
"Thyra Dannebod".
The town of Jelling is also a very
significant location that played a prominent role
in the Danes history - where the beginning of Civilisation
and Christianity was triggered and
spread all over Denmark for more than thousand yeas
ago A.C. - and has been the foundation of the Danes
Cultural Heritage and their deep-seated native identity.
more about The Runic Stones - King “Gorm
the Old” - Queen "Thyra -Dannebod"
and King Harald "Bluetooth".
The Danes
Runic Stones at Jelling |
Runic Stones placed at the historic town of Jelling from 964
A.C. - are considered as the birth certificate of the Danish
Kingdom and Nation. It is King Gorm's little Runic Stone in
memory of his wife Queen Thyra on the left - and King Harald
Bluetooth’s sepulchral monument over his parents King
Gorm and his mother Queen Thyra Dannebod on the right. |
Church from 1050 A.C. |
Jelling Church built around year 1050 A.C. - where King "Gorm
the Old" and his Queen "Thyra's" big mounds
are placed on each side of the church. The two royal burial
mounds are the largest in Denmark - about 8.5 meters high
and 65 meters wide. The remains of King Gorm are laid to rest
under the floor of Jelling Church. Jelling is a small city
located on the Jutland peninsula. |
Runic Stones at Jelling from 964 A.C. - is a World Heritage Site |
Runic Stones at Jelling - and the two surrounding royal burial mounds
of King Gorm and his wife Queen Thyra
of Denmark - as well as Jelling Church from 1050
A.C. - is selected by UNESCO - as a World
Heritage site. The brief description from the World Heritage
list states that - "The Jelling burial mounds - and one
of the runic stones are striking examples of Pagan Nordic
culture - while the other runic stone and the church illustrate
the Christianisation of the Danish people
towards the middle of the 10th century". The
Jelling World Heritage Site is located
in mid-eastern Jutland - and a great tourist attraction. |
Danish Capital and other Major Cities in Denmark
Copenhagen - (København)
Copenhagen is the Danish capital
- and Scandinavian’s largest city
- situated on the east coast of Sealand
(Zealand). Copenhagen was founded by the Danish
bishop Absalon in 1167
- who built a little fortress on a small isle
called “Slotsholmen” outside of the
growing town named (København) - and inhabited
at the present with over 1.8 million
citizens - including the urban areas of Copenhagen.
The Danish capital is also an international metropolis
with the biggest airport and cruise terminals
in Northern Europe and Scandinavia. In Copenhagen
the Danish Parliament (Folketinget) is placed
together with the Royal Residence Amalienborg
Palace - as Copenhagen became a regal city in
1443. There are numerous cultural
venues and historical edifices located in and
around the Danish Capital. |
founder of Copenhagen. See:
Absalon |
city is best known for its cultural position
in Jutland plus university and the old town. |
city is best known as the birth place of
famous H. C. Andersen on the isle of Funen. |
city - the vibrant town of Jutland - located
at the Limfjord that divides Jutland. |
city is the centre of the offshore activities
plus the oil and gas industry in Denmark.
& Vintage
Tourism Posters - Aarhus - Odense - Aalborg &
Esbjerg |
- Odense - Aalborg and Esbjerg
The other major cities in Denmark is Aarhus
(Jutland) with nearly 352,000
inhabitants - and best recognized for its cultural
engagement and university - then Odense
(Funen) - the birth town of famous Hans Christian
Andersen - with nearly 205,000
citizens. After Odense comes Aalborg
(Jutland) - famous for producing the Danish firewater
called “Snaps” and with a population
of 120,000 - and finally Esbjerg
(Jutland) known for its off-shore activities -
and former large fishing industry with over 116.000
living in the city. |
Happiest People in the World" |
Core Danish Values -
are mutual trust and confidence with
one another! |
- Probably the Happiest Country in the World -
where Core Danish Values are based on mutual trust
and confidence with one another! |
Equality - A Core Danish Value |
of the most important and basic elements in the
Danish society is the fundamental principle of
gender equality - which is the primary driving
force and core value in Denmark. ©
Alma. |
Happiest People in the World - Probably!
...I want to be happy
- But I won't be happy - Till I make you happy
Happiest people in the world
The Danes have been awarded several times in many
international surveys and studies - the status
and appraisal of being the "happiest
people" in the world - with
a very high living standard. And the Danes have
their own opinion - as why the Danish nation ranges
among the best in the world - which are fundamentally
- traditionally and mentality: The
Core Danish Values - which are based on mutual
trust and confidence with one another!
Democratic rights and freedom
Furthermore - most of all freedom loving Danes
protect and defend their democratic
rights - as freedom of speech
- freedom of the press -
gender equality - high quality
of life - financial security
and social benefits - informal
working atmosphere - clean environment
- equal educational possibilities
- Christian values and many
other traditions that are a strong and natural
part of the cultural heritage
and national identity - which
has contributed to build up the Danish kingdom
through many generations and centuries - and
also by means of mutual trust and
among the Danes
- and amongst other fellow citizens - that are
the basic elements and core values of a democratic
and Christian society like
the Danish.
Test the Danes Happiness
When you visit Denmark and Copenhagen
- you are welcome to speak to some Danish citizens
- and ask if they actually are the happiest
people in the world - as awarded by
numerous surveys and reviews during time - and
also if they are living in the happiest
place on earth - like some studies
claim - and we presume the answer will be quite
positive. Just try!
More Danish Happiness. See: Happy
Denmark's flag ”Dannebrog”
is the oldest National flag in the world. |
National Flag - "Dannebrog"
Every citizen is proud of their country and national
flag - so are the Danes - and there is a special history
and myth connected to the Danish flag.
According to the myth - the Danish King Valdemar
II called (Valdemar Sejr) - "Valdemar
the Victorious" (1170-1241 - King 1202-1241)
- was during his crusade to Estonia caught in a battle
in June 1219 at Lyndanise
near Reval - and while combating -
a revelation happened - as a red flag with a white Christian
cross surprisingly fell down from the sky and landed
beside the King. With the red white flag in his hand
- King Valdemar II won the battle at Lydanise near Tallinn
- and after this historical event the Danish
King Valdemar II commanded
the flag with the Christian Cross to
be the Danish National Flag - and was
since named "Dannebrog".
The Legend
The legend of the Danish flag is very popular among
the Danes - and their favourite storytelling about the
Danish flag "that fell down from the
sky in 1219" - is the most trendiest
tale - even though a handful of other legends about
the Danish flag exist.
Dannebrog - 800 years Celebration in 2019
The Danes will celebrate the 800 year
anniversary of their beloved flag “Dannebrog”
in 2019 - which became the Danes national
flag - when it fell down from the sky in Estonia in
1219 - according to the everlasting
myth and treasured legend. |
The Oldest
Flag in the
Danish Flag from 1219 |
Danish flag fell down from the sky in 1219 in
Estonia and helped King Valdemar II to win the
battle at Lydanise near Tallinn. |
Danish flag Dannebrog on the Royal Yacht Dannebrog.
The Danish flag has been the Danes national flag
and symbol since 1219. |
national flags days - flags will appear on public
buildings and transport units - or when any royal
or prominent person is visiting Denmark. |
- and other Scandinavian Flags
The Danish flag called “Dannebrog”
- is the oldest national flag in the
world. As being a part of a strong Christian
Culture together with other Scandinavian
countries - the design and pattern of the Danish
flag - with the Christian Cross
was also later adopted by the other Nordic
countries including Sweden
- Finland - Norway
- Iceland and Faeroe
Islands - to symbolise their Christian
heritage and the foundation of Christianity
in each of the five Scandinavian nations.
Valdemar’s Day - “Dannebrog”
On Valdemar’s Day June 15 -
the Danish Flag “Dannebrog” from
1219 - is commemorated every
year together with the reunification with Southern
Jutland 1920. (Flag Day).

is Viking
Country |
Country has throughout the time - obviously
always been associated with Denmark
and the - Home of the Vikings
- as well as the heartland of the great
Viking society during the historical Viking
age and era
from around 800 to about
1050 AC - which is a
very important part of Denmark’s
history and culture that formed the way
to build up the Danish kingdom. As a descendant
of the Vikings - ethnic Danes are commonly
coupled with the terms of being a Viking
- coming from the "Barbaric
North" with adventurous
blood running through their veins. More
Viking stuff to come. |
Vikings in Europe & North America |
showing how the Vikings in the 9th and 10th
century expanded their territory by exploiting
their seafarer and navigation skills to
find new trade routes around Europe and
North America - as to Turkey and Russia
plus the far east - and as to the far west
- as to Iceland - Greenland and Newfoundland. |
of the Sea Stallion (Havhingsten) Viking
Ship that had a crew of 60-70 persons and
was used for voyages to England and Ireland.
The original ship was found at Roskilde
Fjord in 1962, and now exhibited at the
Viking Ship Museum. The vessel was the largest
Viking ship ever built. Viking Ship Museum. |
come from the
"Barbaric North!"
Visit The Viking
Ship Museum.

Danish Monarchy is among the oldest in the world. |
Royal Family and Monarchy
The Danish Royal Family and Monarchy is a very
popular institution in Denmark
- and is highly respected and
supported by nearly all the Danes.
The Kingdom of Denmark is a constitutional
monarchy - and HM King Frederik
10. of Denmark has a constitutional role
- which means that the sovereign cannot perform
political acts independently - but is still the
head of the Danish state.
King "Gorm" to King Frederik
10 - and The Danish Royal Family
There is a straight monarchical line
from old King "Gorm"
(910-958) to our currently reigning monarch
King Frederik 10. - who
has ancestral links stretching back over
thousand years. The King
married in 2004 - as
the heir presumptive to the Danish throne
- Australian commoner Mary Elizabeth
Donaldson - who was awarded with
a new royal title - HRH Crown Princess
of Denmark. King Frederik and Queen Mary
have 4 Children - Crown Prince
Christian - Princess
Isabella and twins Prince
Vincent and Princess
Josephine. All of the royal siblings
hold the title of HRH.
From King Gorm the "Old" and over
a thousand years to
King Frederik 10.
HM King Frederik 10., is the Head of State
of Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
& Queen
Thyra Dannebod |
Gorm the Old and his Queen Thyra Dannebod
receiving the news of the death of his son
Canute Dana Ast in England in 950s. King
Harald Bluetooth succeeded the throne after
his father King Gorm in 958. Painting by
August Carl Vilhelm Thomsen. |
King Frederik 10., is the Head of State
of Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
The King succeeded the throne in 2024, after
his mother HM Queen Margrethe II declared
her decision to abdicate on 14 January 2024
and leave the Danish throne to her son. |
Danish Monarchy and all Royal members of
the Royal House. |
Amalienborg Palaces from 1750 and he Royal
family’s residences. |
Yellow Palace and the birth of the Royal
Glücksborg Dynasty in 1837. |
Cathedral from 1170 is the Burial place
for Danish Kings and Queens. |
Cathedral - Danish
Kings and Queens final resting place |
Cathedral is select by UNESCO
as a World Heritage site - as
this was the first Gothic Cathedral in Scandinavia
to be built of red bricks in the 12th
and 13th centuries - and it encouraged
the spread of this building style throughout northern
Europe. Roskilde Cathedral has been the mausoleum
and final resting place for Danish
Kings and Queens and
related Danish royalties since
the 15th century. Roskilde Cathedral
is a great tourist attraction with more than 200,000
visitors exploring this holy edifice every year.

- Paving the Way to Democracy |
Danish Kings formed the new Democratic Era in
Denmark - 1788-1849 |
Christian VII
King - 1766-1808 |
Frederik VI
King - 1808-1839 |
Christian VIII
King - 1839-1848 |
Frederik VII
King - 1848-1863 |
Absolute Monarchy to The Democratic Era |
From 1660
- when the Absolute Monarchy
was introduced in Denmark by King
Frederik III (1609-1670 - King
of Denmark and Norway 1648-1670) - Danish
Kings had a tremendous power to govern
the country -
and their word was the law. But
up trough a certain stage - four Danish
from the Royal House of Oldenburg...
King Christian VII (1749-1808
- King of Denmark and Norway 1766-1808)
- King Frederik VI (1768-1839
- King of Denmark and Norway 1808-1839)
- King Christian VIII
(1786-1848 - King of Denmark 1839-1848)
- King Frederik VII (1808-1863
- King of Denmark 1848-1863)
in for additional freedom to the Danish
people bite by bite - and were more or
less involved in the new Democratic
Era - starting with the year
- when abolition of Adscription
took place in 1788 -
up to the abolition of Absolutism
was a reality in 1848
- and until the Democratic Constitution
was finally signed in June 1849
- by King Frederik VII. All the four "Oldenburg"
Kings have their final resting place in
Roskilde Cathedral. See:
Roskilde Cathedral |
Memorial from 1797
- which represents the abolition of Adscription
in 1788. |
Evangelical Lutheran Church - and the Democratic
Era in Denmark
Religion and Democracy has always played a vital
role in Denmark since the protestant reformation
in 1536 - during the reign
of King Christian III (1503-
1559 - King of Denmark and Norway 1534-1559).
The reformation was accomplished peacefully
- while Lutheranism was spread
throughout Denmark and other Scandinavian countries
- and luckily for the Danes - the Danish
National Church was establish with
an Evangelical Lutheran background
that was active and engaged in the Democratic
Era - as well as becoming the Danish
state religion. The Danish culture
and democracy has grown out
of Christianity in Denmark
- and is the cornerstone and fundamental base
of the Danes democratic mindset
and cultural upbringing. The
Danish State Church has constantly
reformed itself - and is plaited into the modern
and high end developed Danish society by practicing
the Danish way of worshiping Christianity -
as well as a freethinking belief in Evangelical
Lutheran values and traditions.
Danish Constitution from 1849 |
first National Constitutional Assembly
at their primary meeting in 1848. The
new Danish Constitution was signed by
King Frederik VII in 1849 that finally
put an ending to the absolute monarchy
from 1660 - founded by King Frederick
III. The Assembly was held at the second
Christiansborg from 1828. The painting
by Constantin Hansens 1860-1864 is displayed
at Frederiksborg Museum. |
Protestant Confirmation |
year more than 60,000 Danish juveniles
confirm their vow to God by sealing of
the covenant made during the Holy Baptism.
Since 1736, it has been a great tradition
for many generations in Denmark that youngsters
are confirmed by a confirmation ritual
in one of the numerous Churches in Denmark
- and after one year of preparation together
with their local priest. |
The Danish
from 1849.
Since 1536.
Protestant Confirmation.
- The Peoples Church - and
the Democratic Constitution |
2800 Protestant Churches are spread
all over Denmark |
than 2800 City - Urban and Rural
Churches have
been built and spread all over the Danish
countryside. Image of picturesque St.
Jorgens Church from 1250, on the isle
of Funen. |
- The Peoples Church
to the 19th century
the Danish State Church (Folkekirken
- The Peoples Church) had great
influence in forming the conditions
for supporting modern democratic
values and thinking
- as well as the impact for
setting the foundation for the present
welfare state in close
cooperation with the blossoming liberal
movement in the 1830s
- with demanding social and democratic
reforms - that later paved the way for
the Democratic Constitution
in 1849 - which the
Danish State Church (Folkekirken)
is a naturally part of. More
than 2800 city - urban
and rural
Evangelical Lutheran State
Churches have been built and
spread all over the Danish countryside
- for millions of Christian Danish churchgoers
- which also is a strong part of the
Danish Cultural Heritage. Some Danish
Churches are from the 10th Century and
still in function that attracts many
curious, historical and culturally interested
visitors. |
and Christian Culture
Danes have quite a relaxed relation to their
Evangelical Lutheran Church
and Christian upbringing -
but always with a deep-hearted affection to
their religion - which gives them lot of space
for cultivating their social responsibility
- gender equality - educational
development and leisure activities
- in perfect harmony with their everyday
hectic and busy lifestyle. |
Holy Days
Christian Wedding Ceremony |
Christian Wedding ceremony takes more
than a half hour - and over 35,000 couples
get married in a Danish Church every year. |
- Easter and other Holy Occasions |
Churches are packed in Denmark at Christian
events like Christmas and Easter with
church-goers that attend the High Masses
and Holy Occasions. Esajas Church. |
Priest’s - Education and
Danish Priest’s that are
serving the Stately
Evangelical Lutheran
and Protestant Church
- “Folkekirken”
- the
Danish State Church
- must
have passed an academic
candidate degree of
up to 6-7 years at the Faculty
of Theology awarded by a Danish
University. During the daily
Christian Services -
the Danish Priest will wear
an ordinary black cassock and
outfit - which originates from
the 1600s -
together with an eye catching
and remarkable round white
collar called a “ruff”.
The “ruff” is a
stiffly starched collar - and
was worn in the primeval past
to protect the huge powdered
wigs to stain on the robes -
and has since been a part of
the Danish State Theologians
dress code.
University educated
Danish female and male priest’s.
The Church services in all of
the Danish National Churches
are performed by an equal number
of university educated female
and male priest’s.
Danish Protestant Priest’s
round white collar is called a
“Ruff” and originates
together with the traditional
black Cassock from the 1600s. |
1536 - and the protestant reformer Hans
June 5th.
Protestant Reformation 1536 |
Bronze relief - on the reformation monument
- with the Lutheran monk and protestant
reformer Hans Tavsen - who was the prime
protagonist of the Danish Reformation
and later became bishop of Ribe Cathedral
- Jutland - until his death in 1561. The
reformation monument is placed on The
Bishop’s Square - just opposite
of Copenhagen's Cathedral - The Church
of Our Lady. |
"Grundlovsdag" - June
5th |
year and summer on June 5th - the democratic-
and freedom-loving Danes celebrate their
constitution day (Grundlovsdag) - with
many political meetings and arrangements
all over Denmark. Here a group of folk
dancers from Funen with the traditional
costumes from their region celebrating
constitution day - which also is a national
Flag Day and public holiday. |
Reformation 1536 & the Danes Protestant
Since the Protestant Reformation in 1536 - the
Danes participate heavily in celebrating all
of the many Holy Public Holidays related
to their Protestant inheritance -
as well as having great appreciation and respect
for their thousand year old cultural
background and native identity
- and where the dominant
part of all ethnic Danes are
members of the Protestant Danish Church
- but a very few percent occupy their church
pews on Sundays as church-goers - except for
family celebrations and gatherings - where they
are highly represented at Christenings
- Confirmations - Weddings
- or at other Christian events - especially
holy occasions like Christmas - Easter
and Whitsun. There are numerous
other Christians Communities
in Denmark. That’s also a part of the
Danish Cultural Heritage -
and thousand years of eternal
See: Public Holidays
- Christian Holy Days - and Flag Days
Religious Denominations in Denmark
are numerous other Christians
Communities in Denmark - as well
as other
Religious Denominations
offering Places
of Worship
- all over the Danish Kingdom.
Numerous Churches
and Places of Worship
belonging to other Religious Denominations
than Evangelical-Lutheran
are located around Denmark - Copenhagen
and in other major Danish cities. |
Danes Democratic Constitution |
- 1849 |
Danish Constitution from 1849. |
is an Old Democracy
Danish democracy is rooted in the Democratic
Constitution from 1849
- and the Danes have been governed by
this well functional and
strong Democratic Constitution
ever since - signed by King
Frederik VII on the 5th
of June - giving the Danes
their personal liberty
and democratic rights
- which mainly means freedom
of speech - freedom
of the press - freedom
of religion and
worship - and free
The Danish Parliament (Folketinget)
The Danish Parliament (Folketinget)
is the sole organ empowered to legislate
- and the supreme power in Denmark is
divided into three independent systems
that controls each other - namely the
Legislative - the Executive
and the Judicial power.
Every year on the 5th of
June - the constitution
day - "Grundlovsdag"
- is celebrated with many arrangements
and meetings by all of the democratic
and freedom-loving
Danes that are very proud of
all the core values
- which have for numerous generations
contributed to build up and develop
their democratic nation - Denmark.
The Danish Constitution
runs trough the vanes of every Dane
- and there are no ruling laws or paragraphs
that are under
- beside or
over the Danes
Democratic Constitution
- which is in the heart-blood
of each freedom passionate Dane. |
Danish Parliament |
Danish Parliament |
Palace & The
Danish Parliament |
Danish Parliament |
Frederik VII & The Danish Constitution |
equestrian statue of King Frederik VII
- who signed the Danish constitution in
1849 - is placed on the Parliament Square
in front of the Danish "Folketing".
The King was the last monarch representing
the Oldenborg line of royalties - and
was a very popular King. |
& The
Danish Parliament |
Palace houses the Danish Parliament and
the Royal Reception Rooms. Christiansborg
was constructed during 1907-28 - as the
fifth castle on the same spot located
on a little isle named “Slotsholmen”
right in the middle of Copenhagen. |
Frederik VII
The Danish
179 elected members.
The Danish Parliament - "Folketing"
- with 179 democratic elected members
The Danish Parliament called "Folketinget"
seats 179 members - all elected
for a four-year term - and
from many different parties. Governing is still
based on the Constitution from 1849
- signed by King Frederik VII -
which opened for the Danes democratic rights
- and the symbolic status of the Danish monarchy.
Christiansborg Palace house
the Danish Parliament - that
represents the Stronghold of
Danish Democracy.
Danish Election - 1849
The first Danish Election took place December
4th 1849 - after the new Danish
constitution was signed June 5th 1849
- by King Frederik VII - and
there were 101 candidates elected
to represent different parties in the Danish
Parliament. (Landsting and Folketing)
The “Landsting”
was the house of Parliament in Denmark from
1849 until 1953
- and then replaced by the present “Folketing”
situated at Christiansborg.
Danish Parliament
Artwork during the 19th Century - and through
the Democratic Era in Denmark
Below is a minor bouquet of selected paintings
describing very briefly the Danes daily
life in Denmark, and in a western society
during the 19th Century, followed
by the Democratic Era and then
the beginning of Industrialisation
of the Danish Kingdom partly in the second half
of this Century, while the Danes slowly were building
up their Welfare State and generous
Welfare System. The artworks
span from 1800 to 1900
with a small number of chosen masterpieces by
famous Danish painters representing this important
Era in Danish history and a vital
part of the Danes cultural heritage.
There are thousands of beautiful paintings and
inspirational masterpieces created by outstanding
Danish artists from this exciting and prosperous
Century that can be experienced by passionate
“Art Lovers” - obsessive "Art
Collectors" - adoring "Art Enthusiasts"
and impassioned "Art Admirers", when
visiting the many Danish Art Museums
and Galleries spread all over
Denmark. |
naval battle between Denmark and Britain - 1801 |
from the battle of Copenhagen 1801, by Carl Neumann
- 1880. |
agitator praising the Danish Labour Movement -
1899 |
agitator at "Fælledparken”, by
Erik Henningsen - 1899.
Arrest Building - Town Hall and Courthouse - 1831 |
Arrest Building by the Town Hall and Courthouse
in Copenhagen, by Martinus Rørbye -1831. |
in Denmark, and a bathing girl - 1885 |
girls in light summer dresses looking at a bathing
girl, by Paul Fischer - 1885. |
Danish artists' colony of Skagen in a lively toast
- 1888 |
hip hurray”! The famous Skagen Painters
enjoying a great Artists' party in a garden at
Skagen, by P.S. Krøyer - 1888. |
of young Danes listening to a musician - 1897 |
evening with young people listening to a musician
playing the accordion, by Erik Henningsen - 1897.
Tenants - can’t pay their rent - 1892 |
out on the street, by Erik Henningsen - 1892. |
growth in Denmark - 1885 |
and Wain's iron foundry, by P.S. Krøyer
- 1885. |
farmer with his cattle in autumn 1847 |
landscape. Hankehøj at Vallekilde, by J.Th.
Lundbye -1847. |
Postman and his horses at Lindenborg Inn 1878 |
depicting horses outside Lindenborg Inn, by Otto
Bache 1878. |
Churchgoers in 1888 |
at Mogenstrup Church - Sealand, by L.A. Ring -
1888. |
Ice skating on Faaborg lake. Funen 1900 |
the ice behind the city - Faaborg - Fynen, by
Peter Hansen - 1900. |
first Christmas tree & ”Merry Christmas”
in 1808 |
Christmas Eve 1808, Denmark's first Christmas
tree was lit at Holsteinborg Estate in South Sealand.
The painting ”Merry Christmas” by
Viggo Johansen is from 1890. |
soldiers on the march
in 1848 |
soldiers from 1848 on the march. Painted by Nicolai
Habbe in 1851, referring to the 1st Schleswig
War between Denmark and Germany in 1848-1850. |

size - Landscape - Culture and Everlasting
Heritage |
Danish National Coat of Arms. |
Danish Kingdom
after the Viking Age (800
- 1050 AC) - Denmark was much larger than
today. From 1380 to 1814
- Norway was a part of the Danish
Kingdom together with southern Sweden
(Skåne) up to 1659.
Schleswig and Holstein
in North Germany belonged to Denmark until
size is closely 43,000 sq. km -
with a coast
line of nearly 9,000 km - and
a 70 km landline border with Germany. |
- Flat as a Pancake & the highest sites
Denmark is flat as a pancake
and one of the highest natural sites rises
about 150 metres over sea
level and called “Himmelbjerget”
- The Sky Mountain - situated in
mid Jutland. A little bit more than three
quarters of the Danish Kingdom is 100
metres above sea level and most of Denmark’s
landscape is cultivated for producing agricultural
products. The highest manmade point
in Denmark is the two pylons supporting
the Great Belt Bridge (Storebæltsbroen)
between Sealand (Zealand) and Funen - which
are 254 metres over sea level.
Many forests - pastures
and meadows are characteristic
features of the Danish landscape together
with a much diversified coastline that is
dominated by white sandy beaches
- marshland and dunes.
pastures - meadows and forests are characteristic
features of the flat Danish landscape and rural
areas, which was formed by the last Ice Age more
than 11,000 years ago. |
Cultivated Landscape |
of Denmark’s rural landscape is cultivated
for producing agricultural products, and farming
plays a vital role with demanding export markets
for quality-minded consumers. |
Denmark is flat as a pancake - since the Ice Age
formed the Danish landscape.
of the highest points in Denmark rises almost
150 metres over sea level.
560 km. West Jutland coastline offers white
sandy beaches and high grass-covered dunes.
- The Sky Mountain |
of the highest points in Denmark is situated in
mid Jutland and called “Himmelbjeget”
( The Sky Mountain) and rises almost 150 metres
over sea level.. |
beaches and walking dunes |
beautiful West Jutland coastline has a stretch
of 560 km. from the Danish border to the northern
tip of Jutland with sandy beaches and high grass-covered
walking dunes. |
& Faroe Islands |
and the Faroe Islands are also a part
of Denmark. |
National Flag of Greenland. |
National Flag of the Faroe Islands. |
Faroe Islands
are self-governing countries.
Ilulissat Icefjord is a beautiful
World Heritage Site.
is the Biggest Island in the World |
is a part of the Danish Kingdom and the biggest
island in the world - located between the Arctic
and Atlantic Oceans. The Capital is Nuuk - and
the total numbers of inhabitants are nearly 60,000.
Greenland is a self-governing territory dependent
on fishing and fish exports. Greenland’s
Ilulissat Icefjord was inscribed on UNESCO's World
Heritage List in 2004. Visit Greenland. |
Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean has
been an autonomous region of the Danish Kingdom
since 1948 - and is a self-governing state with
a population of more than 50,000 inhabitants -
and the capital is named Torshavn. The Faroe Islands
is an archipelago between the Norwegian Sea and
the North Atlantic Ocean - just halfway between
Norway and Iceland. Visit Faroe Islands. |
Nations - Northern Regions - Nordic Countries &
Nordic Welfare States |
Regions and Scandinavia
Denmark is connected to the European continent
with Germany in the south - and
the kingdom is surrounded by its nearest neighbours
Sweden and Norway.
Together Sweden - Norway
- Finland - Iceland
- Faroe Islands and
Denmark - are all Nordic
Nations belonging to the Northern Regions that
is considered as a part of Scandinavia
- and also called the Nordic Countries
- as well as the Nordic Welfare States.
and Norway - "Brother Countries" |
- Sweden - Finland
- Iceland - Faroes
and Denmark |
Sweden & Norway are called
"Brother Countries"
by Denmark -
and is an equal part of the Scandinavian countries.
southern Swedish province - "Skåne"
- belonged to Denmark until 1659 - when the peace
treaty was signed at Roskilde. The transition
to Sweden was later confirmed by the Treaty of
Copenhagen 1660. The Danish attempt to retake
the province failed in 1710. Since - the Oresund
Bridge has linked Sweden and Denmark closer together
- and formed a new transnational region in northern
Europe - as the main important hub for economic
and cross-border activities in Scandinavia - with
focus on the cities of Malmö and Copenhagen.
Image of the Traditional Midsummer Festival in
Sweden. Visit Sweden. |
was a part of Denmark until 1814 - when Denmark
went bankrupt and had to cede Norway to Sweden.
Norway took this opportunity to declare independence
- and a peaceful separation in 1905 of Norway
from Sweden - plus a brotherly settlement was
a reality - which later led to the union of five
Nordic countries in the region called Scandinavia.
The Norwegians elected the Danish prince Carl
of Denmark and Iceland as King - who took the
name King Haakon VII - and reigned from 1905 to
1957 - as a very popular sovereign. Image of the
celebration of Norway’s National Day - 17
May. Visit Norway. |
Nordic Welfare States - Scandinavia |
is ranked once again - as
one of the least corrupt countries
in the world - and can proudly
step on top of the trustworthy
victory podium - together
with all of the other Scandinavian
Countries. |
- one of the least corrupt
countries in the world!
Denmark is once again ranked
- with the enviable trustworthy
trophy - at the entire top
of the victory podium - as
one of the least corrupt
countries in the world on
Transparency Internationals
Corruption Perceptions Index
- which designates perceived
corruption in all sectors
- and the Danes
are very proud of
living in a country that is
“still going
strong” by
being declared and crowned
as one of least corrupt nations
in the whole wide world -
which are fundamentally -
traditionally and mentality:
The Core Danish Values
- based on mutual trust and
confidence with one another!
& Denmark
And all of the other
Scandinavian Countries
like Sweden
- Finland
- Norway
and Iceland
are also among the least
corrupt countries
in the world - and can proudly
step on top of the trustworthy
victory podium
together with Denmark.
See: Denmark-Scandinavian |
History - Culture and Everlasting Heritage |
- Culture and Everlasting Heritage
The Danish countryside is filled with beautiful
landscapes and coastlines - historical
relics of the past - Viking
fortresses and settlements
- cultural sights - old and
new architecture - marvellous
castles and palaces
- middle-aged towns
and churches - extensive beach
areas and natural scenic coastlines
- exciting attractions and
amusement parks - idyllic old market
towns and fishing villages
- and last but not least modern city
life with many thrilling activities
and plentiful of experiences. That’s
what the Danes call history
- culture and everlasting heritage
plus deep-rooted Danish traditions. |
the Stone Age - 1,000 to 1,500 years BC. - the
Danes buried their dead under a monument of large
granite stones (dolmens). Over 2000 burial tombs
from the Stone Age are spread all over the Danish
countryside. |
Chariot of the Sun from the Bronze Age around
1350 BC, symbolises the passage of the sun across
the sky. Found in North Sealand in 1902 and one
of the precious relics at the National Museum. |
and the Islands
The Peninsular of Jutland - Jylland
- is joined to central Europe - while
the rest of Denmark consists of almost
400 islands of which 90
are inhabited. The largest island is Sealand
(Zealand) - Sjælland -
where the Danish capital Copenhagen
- København - is situated.
Funen - Fyn - and the
twin island Lolland - Falster
together with the rocky island of Bornholm
are some of the biggest isles in the Danish
Small and Big Bridges
& The impressive Oresund Bridge
Denmark is connected by small and big
bridges that link the nation's many islands.
The impressive and combined railway and
motorway Oresund Bridge
across the Oresund strait to Sweden joins
other Scandinavian countries
and the rest of the European
The Great Belt Bridge
the gigantic suspension bridge - the
Great Belt Bridge across the 20
km Great Belt Strait between Funen
and Sealand (Zealand)
has been the largest bridge project of
them all. There are almost 2,200
bridges connecting Denmark.
The Great Belt Bridge construction
is the largest suspension bridge of its
type in the world with a height as tall
as the Eiffel Tower.
Great Belt Bridge - and the
highest manmade point in Denmark
Great Belt Bridge (Storebæltsbroen)
between Sealand (Zealand) and Funen was
opened in 1998 - and the construction that
connects the eastern and western part of
Denmark comprises a 6,790 m long suspension
bridge with two pylons that are 254 m. above
sea level - plus a 6,611 m long combined
rail and road bridge. The total link and
bridge crossing over the Great Belt Strait
is 18 km. - with a toll station at Halskov
on Sealand (Zealand). The two notable 254
m. pylons are the highest manmade point
in Denmark. |
small and
big bridges
the rest of
the world.
The Great Belt Bridge is
one of
the biggest & longest Supension Bridge
connections in the world.
Danish Sea and Beaches
& 9,000
km Coastline |
Coastline - Islands and Peninsulas |
Danish Coastline - Islands and Peninsulas
coastline measures about 9,000 km. - and
stretches with sand dunes - fjords
and seascapes - white sandy beaches -
fishing ports - marina's and many ancient
market towns. There are over 400
Islands in Denmark - where 90
are inhabited - and 20 peninsulas
surrounded by the fresh Danish waters and sea
- is also a vital part of the Denmark’s
vast coastline. |
7,300 km
Charming Old Towns alongside Denmark's
Coastline |
of many charming old towns on Denmark's
coastline is the medieval city of Nakskov
- founded around 1260 on the island of Lolland,
with the tower of St. Nikolaj Church and
beautiful old buildings surrounding the
harbour area. Denmark's largest sugar factory
is located in Nakskov. |
Bird Cliff on the Harsh West Coast |
mighty and impressive Bulbjerg limestone
Bird Cliff on the harsh west coast of Jutland,
is a protected nature and recreational area
surrounded by white sandy beaches facing
the North Sea - and a favourite excursion
destination - where Danes and tourist flock
by thousands all year round. |
Coastline and Fishing Ports |
is a nation with a very long fishing
tradition and history, and one of
the largest exporters of fish and
fish products worldwide. There are
numerous of Fishing Port alongside
Denmark’s large coastline -
where industrial fishing plays a significant
role with tons of daily catch to supply
the fishing industry and fish processing
plants. |
seacoast measures about 9,000 km.
- and stretches with sand dunes -
fjords and seascapes - white sandy
beaches - fishing ports - marina's
and many ancient market towns. There
are around 400 Islands in Denmark
- where 90 are inhabited - and 20
peninsulas surrounded by the fresh
Danish waters and sea. |
Coastline and Fishing Ports.
Seacoast - Islands -Fjords
Market Towns and
of Denmark.
Sea and Beaches
Always Nearby in Denmark
From any point in Denmark - there will be less than
52 km to the sea.
& Vintage
Tourism Posters - Beaches & Bathing - Denmark |
Denmark - A Dynamic and Modern Society
Denmark is a dynamic and modern society with one
of the most competitive economies
in the world generating a budget surplus with
nearly no government debt. Danes considered themselves
as movers - creative
- friendly - and open-minded
along with a vast reputation of being a part of
a freedom loving nation that
has a natural hard working mentality
and moral plus an easygoing
lifestyle with high-quality family
ideals that is rooted in great harmony
with Danish culture - traditions
and democratic values.
an Innovative Nation
Denmark is the fourth most innovative
nation in the world - which is an important
feature and bonus - when competing on
export markets in a globalised
Danes & their Easygoing Lifestyle |
Danes have a reputation of being a freedom
loving nation with an easygoing lifestyle
that is rooted in Danish culture and democratic
values. |
- An Innovative Nation |
is one of the most innovative nation in
the world - which is an important bonus
- when competing on export markets in a
globalised world. |
Denmark is
freedom loving nation with an easygoing
Competing on
Export Markets
in a Globalised
Infrastructure and Bicycles
Denmark has one of the most developed transport
systems in the world with an effective
infrastructure and public transport
system that is well organized and efficient -
even though a major part of the Danes use their
bicycles for transportation,
especially in densely populated urban areas. |
Top Modern
effective Infrastructure and Transport System |
has one of the most developed transport
systems in the world with an effective infrastructure,
offering unlimited public transport, with
the metro lines - S-trains - regional and
intercity trains - busses and ferries. DSB. |
and Cycling is Danish Lifestyle |
though Denmark has an efficient public transport
system - the Danes just love their bicycles
and cycling is a part of the Danish lifestyle
and cycling culture all year round - no
matter any type of weather conditions. |
school and leisure activities plus
a major digitized nation
The Danes are very active after working hours
practising various sports - leisure
activities - evening school classes -
social and cultural meetings
- clubs and association
life etc. and most of all - the Danes
are online with the rest of the world - as nearly
everyone has a PC and a Cell
Phone in Denmark - - as well as being
one of the most digitized nations
in the world. |
and leisure activities |
and leisure activities - combined with club
and associational life - is an active part
of the traditional Danish life style and
social manner in Denmark - and has been
for many generations. |
& cultural meetings - and
associational life |
Danes are very active after working hours
practising various sports - leisure activities
- evening school classes - social and cultural
meetings - clubs and associational life
- which has been a long tradition for generations.. |
life in Denmark is
- leisure activities - evening school classes
- social and cultural meetings - clubs and
associational life.
Population - and the most commen
Names |
and most popular & common Danish names
The population of Denmark is just over 5,8
million and more than 75 % are
living in urban areas with the most commen surnames
like Jensen - Nielsen - Hansen -
Pedersen and Andersen.
The five most used first given names for girls
are Anne - Kirsten
- Hanne - Mette
and Anna - and for men the five
most used first given names are Jens
- Peter - Lars
- Michael and Henrik.
Birthday Celebration
- and March |
Birthdays Traditions and Cellebrations
Danish Birthday Cake
Danish Sausages “Røde Pølser”at
Danish Birthday Cake |
typical and traditional Birthday Cake in
Denmark must be decorated with Danish flags
- and placed on a well festooned and creamy
layer cake. |
Danish Sausages “Røde Pølser”at
Birthdays |
Red Sausages “Røde Pølser”
is a great tradition and a “must”
to serve at Danish Birthday Parties - and
millions are eaten with delicious supplements
every year. |
Birthday Celebration & the month of March
One of the most important days of the year for
any Dane is celebrating birthdays -
which has been a long life tradition for generations
of Danes to celebrate. The Danish flag
is the vital part of a birthday party especially
for youngsters together with hot Chocolate
- buns “Boller” -
special decorated
Birthday Cake
- "Kagemand"
(cake man) - “kringle” Danish
pastry or classic Red Danish Sausages
with various refreshments. For adults
celebrating birthdays cause for a selection of
the birthday person’s favourite dishes -
which can be everything originated from hundreds
of traditional Danish food recipes
together with foamy beers and
alcoholic drinks - but the birthday cake
and Danish flag is a must - composed
with the traditional and personal written “song”
at every Danish birthday party.
See: Red
March - Birthdays & Good Birth Planning
The majority of Danes are born in the month of
March - and this springtime month
of the year - is the season for celebrating most
birthdays in Denmark. Good planning
and suitable wellness activities
- especially in the warm summer season months
- has always been the Danes prime mission and
vision in an excessively ambitious manner - living
the Danish way of a cheerful life.
Food - Beer - Snaps - Rye Bread and "Smørrebrød"
- that's Danish... |
plus Danish Pastry - & much more Delicious Food and Cooking! |
food culture and culinary heritage - has
been cultivated and improved for many generations
- and is mainly originated from the old
Danish country kitchen - with roots
way back to the Viking Era
- leaving loads of ancient
food recipes from all over
the Danish Kingdom - created first and foremost
- as a shield to protect the Danes against
the cold weather conditions
in Denmark. That’s why the Danes for
centuries have eaten a lot of meat
- especially loads of pork
- but also beef together
with plenty of potatoes
and vegetables. Poultry
and fish products
are the Danes second choice. The cold and
often wet climate in Denmark
requires a lot of food with high
nutritional values that contains
many vitamins -
minerals and proteins
to mobilise a great potion of energy - which
is a vital source - needed for work
- at school - for sports
and other form of daily activities - when
living in a dynamic and
modern society
like in Denmark that demands plenty of individual
energy and human recourses
every day. More... |
Danish "Smørrebrød" |
Danish dishes. |
desserts and sweeteners. |
Food Culture and Cooking
- Read the Story about the Danes favourite
Pork based spread "Leverpostej"
on “Smørrebrød"
- The Danes national dish for generations
"Frikadelle" -
Juicy porky meatballs
- See the Danes favourite "Smørrebrød"
- Open Faced Sandwiches
- The everyday national sport and
competition - Peeling Potatoes
- Why the Danes are the most pork
eating people in the world
- Traditional everyday Danish food
and the Danes favourite
- The typical and popular Danish
desserts - from the old country
- What the Danes prefer to drink
with their food - and at other occassions
- Danish Fast Food - "The
Pølsevogn" -
and the traditional and national
"Red" porky sausage
- Sweets - Delicious "Danish"
- and Coffee
See: Danish
Food Culture
See: Danish
Specialities and Recipes (English)
See: Red
Sausages (National Fast Food)
See: National
Dish (Fried Pork Belly (thick
bacon) - and parsley sauce)
See: "Snaps" - "Akvavit"
(National Acoholic Fire Water)
- Education - and Education! |
is a strong educational nation for the younger
generation - with focus on education
- education and education. |
- Knowledge - Growth - Welfare
The backbone of the Danish welfare
system originates from the first school reform from
1721 - under the rule of King
Frederik IV (1671-1730 - King of Danmark and
Norway 1699-1730) - who established 240
schoolhouses bearing the royal insignia and called them
Cavalry Schools. A new Education Act
in 1814 - under the reign of King
Frederik VI (1768-1839 - King of Denmark and
Norway 1808-1839) - was the very first birth of the
Danish “Folkeskole” - Peoples
School - introducing free primary schools with compulsory
education for all pupils in the country
between age 7 and 14
years. In 1894 the Danish “Folkeskole”
became a part of the government-funded primary
education system to meet the requirements of
the beginning industrial society - and have since continued
with much higher educational ambitions. |
Public School in Denmark |
oldest existing public school building in Denmark
from 1719 - was established by Prince Carl near
the town of Faxe. The school included both class
room and the teacher’s living quarters -
and is the best preserved village school house
in Denmark. |
Folks High School in Denmark |
world's first Folks High School - "Rødding
Højskole" - was founded in 1844 in
south Jutland and was based on the Danish national
priest and reformer N.F.C. Grundtvig's ideas of
a school for uneducated adults and the poor peasantry
in Denmark. |
Gymnastics High School |
Gymnastikhøjskole is the world’s
first and oldest Gymnastic High School, founded
in 1920, and based on N.F.S. Grundtvig’s
philosophy of healthy living and well-being in
a fresh environment, and students are offered
comprehensive gymnastic programs. |
Education in Denmark.
Folks High School - "Folkehøjskole"
Throughout the 19th century the Danish
education system was especially influenced by the ideas
of priest and national legend:
N.F.S.Grundtvig (1783 - 1872) - who founded the
popular “Folkehøjskoler”
- Folks High School in 1844. |
First University in Denmark - 1479
The University of Copenhagen from 1479
- and the first university in Denmark - was founded
by King Christian I (1426-1481 - ruled
Denmark, Norway and Sweden from 1448-1481) - are among
the oldest Universities in Europe. The University had
faculties for theological learning
- as well as the study of law - medicine
- and philosophy. In 1801
- most of the buildings were destroyed under the bombardment
of Copenhagen - and construction of new buildings started
in 1831 - and inaugurated in 1836
- under the reign of King Frederik VI
(1768-1839 - ruled from 1808-1839) - with his name "Fredericus
Sextus" carved on the entrance.
See: University
of Copenhagen |
state-funded universities in Denmark
There are eight state-funded universities
in Denmark, offering research-based education and awarding
bachelor's, master's,
and doctoral degrees:
University of Copenhagen (KU) - Technical
University of Denmark (DTU) - Copenhagen
Business School (CBS) - Aarhus University
(AU) - Roskilde University
(RUC) - Aalborg University (AAU) -
University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
and IT University of Copenhagen (ITU). |
International Study
University of Denmark |
- Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Technical University
of Denmark) is one of Europe's leading technical
universities with an additional and international
recognized Science Park in the areas of natural
sciences and engineering technology. DTU. |
University of Copenhagen |
IT University of Copenhagen is situated in “Ørestaden”
on the Isle of Amager - and offers State-of-the
art university facilities - focusing on IT research
and education, with four bachelor programmes that
cove different aspects of IT. |
University of Aarhus was inaugurated in 1928,
and has since developed into a major Danish university
with a strong international reputation across
the entire research spectrum, with its main campus
located in Aarhus, Denmark. |
Free Danish educational system & environment
During the 20th century - a wide range
of new educational institutions was
established - and since - the Danes educational system
has expanded widely by offering high quality
education and training at
all levels plus providing every Dane free public
support for a higher education from the age
of 6 - despite of social standing
- socioeconomic status or class. Any type of
education in Denmark is free - and
pupils are subsidized during their educational stage
by the tax payers financed stately educational grant
called SU – (Statens Uddannelsesstøtte)
- also known as free scholarships to
students studying any kind of the more than 700
degree programs and other 1300 educational
courses at Danish educational institutions.
As the Danish educational level and learning system
in Denmark is of a very high standard in all categories
and at all stages of the education system - the Danes
are well prepared for confronting the challenges of
Globalization with their Know-how
and Competences - based on high Educational
Skills and Schooling background
- created through many generations and built on the
lifelong and deep rooted Danish learning culture. |
9,600 different educational institutions - and National
Science & Technology Parks
Today there are more than 9,600
different Educational Institutions
- and several National Science & Technology
Parks spread all over Denmark. |
and free Education in Denmark |
is compulsory and free education for all children
and pupils in Denmark between age 6 and 16 years.
Ministry of Children and Education. |
Support for Higher Education |
is free public support for student’s higher
education in Denmark - despite of social standing,
socioeconomic status or class. DTU. |
Free Support for Higher Education.
Danish Educational Model - and A Foresighted Danish
King |
foresighted Danish King and 400 years of educational
development created "The Danish Model"
The educational evolution in Denmark started via the
first Danish school law “The School Act”
from 1739 signed by an ambitious and
foresighted Danish King named Christian,
and the six of Christian’s on the Danish throne.
“The School Act” made schooling compulsory
for all children in Denmark - as well as those pupils
living in the countryside and widespread
rural areas in the Danish Kingdom. King Cristian
VI, found it vital to invest in people
and their education, which
in the long run created knowledge
- growth and last but not least - gradually
shaped and built one of the best welfare systems
in the world. And all Danes since birth - are continuously
in the process of learning - learning
and leaning, as well as to educate
themselves with the aim to bring Denmark in the forefront
on the global scene - and furthermore becoming a reliable
and well educated workforce to secure the constant development
of their beloved homeland Denmark -
and also to challenge their skills abroad internationally.
This endless cultivating process is called "The
Danish Model" - and mostly based and built
on solid Danish mentality, which has
profoundly contributed to centuries of educational
traditions. "The Danish Model"
- is developed by the Danes
- performed by the Danes - and payed
massively by the Danes for numerous generations - which
is a never-ending improving process united in the Danes
mind-set - cultural values
and lifestyle - and called in brief
"The Danish Model". |
Christian 6. introduced
mandatory Christian Confirmation
The first Danish school law
“The School Act” from 1739..
Christian 6. - and the new School Reform |
Christian 6. - Queen Sophie Magdalene and family
at Fredriksborg Castle, painted by Marcus Tuscher
around 1744. The King introduced in 1739, mandatory
Christian Confirmation and regular compulsory
schooling for all children in Denmark by a new
School legislation. |
School Act” from 1739 |
first Danish school law “The School Act”
from 1739 was presented by King Christian 6. -
promoting the need for a new common school system
with compulsory
education for
all children - including those pupils living in
the widespread countryside and rural areas of
Danish Export Companies create Welfare and a High Standard
of Living |
Export Companies were early Pioneers of Globalization
- long before the term "globalization"
was invented and introduced! |
export locomotives with a well-educated working force.
Thanks to a considerable range of innovative export
companies and corporations that create economic
growth - as well as a well educated
and flexible working force - the Danes
have a high standard of living than
most other countries.
Geared to compete on global markets
Danish export companies are geared to compete on global
markets offering and supplying
high technology and advanced engineering
solutions. Food - beverages - dairy
- agricultural and tobacco products.
Danish design - furniture - handicrafts and
architecture. Medical and
pharmaceutical goods. Processing plants
and productions lines. Alternative
energy systems. International container
shipping. Wind power technology.
Offshore services. Transportation
and logistics operations.
Turnkey solutions & systems. And
more than 800,000 people are employed
in the export sector giving the Danish state billions
in export revenues - as well as creating thousands of
specialised jobs.
Read more: Danish
Exporters |
you in Denmark - combining Business and pleasure.
DKK 58.0 Billion
The Danes Assistance to the Third World - Every Year!
and Contribution to Developing Countries - DKK
23.0 Billion!
Even though Denmark in size is a small country
- it is a heavyweight and
giant - when it comes to founding assistance
to the Third World. In 1962 -
the Danish Parliament passed
its first act on international cooperation for
economic development to underdeveloped countries.
The development aid and financial assistance supported
to the developing countries is bilateral - as
well as multilateral - and the total funding of
various and numerous projects to assist the underdeveloped
nations and the third world
amounted approx. DKK 23.0 billion
in 2024 - which is roughly over
0.7 % of Denmark’s Gross National
Income (GNI) - plus approx. DKK 35.0
billion to cover the domestic tax-financed
and expensive educational and assimilation programs
- as well as to use and refinance the Danes' welfare
benefits for people in Denmark from the many underdeveloped
countries and from the non-western world, with
a much different culture than the Danes deeply
rooted cultural heritage, so they are better prepared,
educated and qualified to step into the Danes
welfare state, built up though numerous generations,
as a modern western democracy and high-tech society
- which according to Danish lawmakers also are
considered as an extra form of development assistance
to the third world - that totally counts to approx.
DKK 58.0 billion every year.
to Developing Countries |
has since 1962 been one of the world's prime
contributors of financial assistance to
the underdeveloped third world and supported
numerous developing projects. |
Wells Projects in all Developing
Countries |
of the development funds from Denmark are
used to establish clean water wells to supply
fresh drinking water for all needful citizens
in the underdeveloped nations. |
Funding &
Support by the Danes to the
Third World
Middle East -
Far East and non-western countries.
Danes - Humanitarian Contributors and Generous
Denmark is placed among the world’s
richer nations - and the Danish
Taxpayers are one of the prime
and biggest Humanitarian Contributors
and Generous Philanthropists
per capita in the world to finance official
aid and funds to the Third World
and Underdeveloped Countries.
Danish Development Funds to
Support Projects in Bangladesh
& Kenya.
Aids and Funds to Bangladesh |
supports Field School in Bangladesh - which
have provided more food and health to over
3 million poor people living in this underdeveloped
region - and added hope for future prosperity
and local development. |
Danish Development Funds to Kenya |
Pea production in Kenya supported by the
economic development funds from Denmark
- involving Africa’s Young People
working in the Food Sector - with the prime
aim to create more job for the younger generation.
- NATO - EU - And Brave Danish Troops |
- NATO and EU Membership
Denmark has been a member of FN
since 1945 - and NATO
1948 - and became a member of the
EU in 1973. |
has been a member of NATO since 1948 - and
a strong NATO Ally that has carried out
many peace keeping operations Internationally.
Photo - Danish Defence. |
was one of the first members of the EU -
and an active part of European democracies
- and has since contributed to develop a
well operational internal market. |
Danish Yellow "Support our Troops"
ribbon. |
the Danish troops abroad
The majority of the Danes are
proud of their brave troops and supports the Danish
soldiers on their peace keeping missions
abroad - firmly to defend democracy and
freedom in the developing countries
- and to prevent and reduce the threat of terrorism
worldwide. Danish soldiers are constantly deployed
on international missions in some of the world's
hotspots, where they solve peace-building and
stabilizing tasks. Danish soldier are also deployed
to the Baltic countries as part
of NATOs enhanced forward presence.
All these many military operations around the
Globe are truthfully backed up by the Danes -
and with great appreciation. |
new National Memorial of remembrance placed
at the Old Citadel (Kastellet) in Copenhagen
is worth a visit. |
New National Monument and Flag Day in
A new national monument of remembrance
for the many brave Danish soldiers - who
lost their young and precious lives in
international peace keeping missions abroad,
was inaugurated on September 5th
- 2011 - at the Old Citadel
(Kastellet) in Copenhagen - and this special
day was later proclaimed as a National
Flag and Memorial Day for Denmark’s
deployed personnel. Since, September
5th is celebrated throughout
the Danish Kingdom as
a National Flag Day in
Denmark for Honouring the Danish
Armed Forces, all
Danish military personnel,
plus all the veterans
that have earned their countrymen’s
undying gratitude - and who have bravely
served Denmark in conflict areas abroad.
The National Flag Day is a day especially
to remember the fallen and to salute these
Danish heroes, who courageously served
their country, and who will never be forgotten.
All their names are printed on the wall,
beside the eternal flame burning. The
monument is made of granite blocks from
the Danish island Bornholm - and the Danish
inscription on the remembrance wall is
“En tid - Et sted - Et menneske”
and translated briefly into English: A
time - A place - A human.
See: The Citadel |
The Danes and their country - in brief
Danes just adore their country - even though they
are the most heavily taxed people
in the world. They work hard - but happily pay
for their welfare system that
gives every individual equal rights
to have free access to the public
health care system and free hospital
treatment - plus other social
and public services
and benefits.
Democratic rights and freedom
in Denmark
Most of all the Danes protect and defend their
democratic rights - as freedom
of speech - freedom of the press
- gender equality - high
quality of life - financial security
and social benefits - informal
working atmosphere - clean environment
- equal educational possibilities
- Christian values and much more
- which is a part of the cultural heritage
and deep-rooted Danish identity that
has contributed to build up the Danish kingdom
through many generations and centuries - and also
by means of mutual trust and
confidence to each other and
amongst fellow citizens - which are the basic
elements and core values of a Democratic and Christian
Gender Equality - A Fundamental Danish Value
One of the most important and basic elements
in the Danish society is the fundamental principle
of gender equality - which is
the primary driving force that has for generation
developed a unique and well functioned welfare
system in Denmark - and given the Danes
in many international surveys - the status and
appraisal of being the happiest people
in the world with a high living standard.
Danes are elected several times as the most
satisfied people in the world - who claim
they maybe live in the happiest place on
earth. |
Mutual trust amongst Danes |
Danes have great mutual trust and confidence
to each other, which are the basic elements
and core values of a democratic society. |
companies have the most satisfied employees
in Europe, due to a fine working atmosphere
and the
of gender equality. |
Danes just
Love and
their Country.
Danes also claim, they live in the happiest
place on earth.
Europe's best Workplaces are in Denmark.
Danish National Anthems
The Danes have 2 National Anthems:
- Der er et yndigt land. Briefly
(There is a cute country) - which is mainly used
by the public at festive occasions - celebratory
arrangements - sports events etc.
- Kong Christian stod ved højen
mast. Briefly
Christian stood at the tall mast) - which is used
for Royal receptions & arrangements - plus
official events etc.
of H.C. Andersen from 1850 by Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann
- and was one of the paintings and portrays he liked
best of himself. |
Danish National Girls’ Choir |
popular Danish National Girls’ Choir
in concert. |
of the many song and poetry books by H.C. Andersen.
Painter H.A Brendekilde. |
areas around Denmark |
Andersen praises several times the beautiful beach areas
around the long coastal lines of Denmark - in his song
text "I Danmark er jeg født". Painting
from 1900, by Danish painter Paul Gustav Fischer. |
”I Danmark er jeg født”
- The Unofficial National Anthem
song is one of the most favourite
and beloved
hymn that touches the Danes deeply
inside - and is known by every Dane - who has sung
this song from a very early age - and leant every
word and line by heart. The song
is written marvellously by famous
Danish fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen
Each written word and sentence is a broad compassionate
portray of Denmark - plus
the Danish kingdom's passing history. The lyrics have
a great deep-felt affection on the Danes appreciation
and faithfulness for their beautiful
country and cultural heritage - and
give the majority of Danes "goose pimples"
- when sung and performed in good harmony and company
with each other.
text is written by a true master that strikes the
entire soul of the Danes
native identity - as well as Danish mentality
- mindset and Christian upbringing
- which was his legacy - and true
area of excellence - plus the
strong religious nurture his middle
name also signifies and manifests.
No one like Hans Christian Andersen can interpret
Danish in such an inspiring and picturesque
way - which makes his storytelling and song writing
so imaginative and outstanding
- that leave Danes of all ages with a meaningful understanding
of their native tongue. It’s
a pity that the words and text is impossible to translate
into any other languages - as well as other heartfelt
National songs from other countries are just as hopeless
to translate into Danish - without missing the deeper
meaning and spirit of the lyrics. Many Danes have
suggested during the past that “I Danmark
er jeg født” should be their
national anthem.
Danmark er jeg født” is written by Hans
Christian Andersen in 1850 - as a
tribute and honour
to his country - where he was born
and raised. In some senses - it’s
a very patriotic song that praises
Denmark in a passionate - poetic
and inspiring way - and also describes
admiringly how proud he is of his Danish background
- and how much he loves Denmark as his homeland.
And the Danish language is his mother's
soft voice and reminds him of her
gentle native mother tongue that sweetly
blessed reaches his heart. “Du danske sprog
- du er min moders stemme - så sødt velsignet
du mit hjerte når”. Furthermore he
writes that God gave the Danes the
Danish flag “Dannebrog”
- and the best victories. ”hvor Danebrogen
vajer - Gud gav os den - Gud giv den bedste sejer”!
The majority of Danes just love and admire Hans
Christian Andersen’s version of portraying their
homeland Denmark - and feel the same way as Hans Christian
Andersen - when they sing the devoted lyrics about
Denmark - which touches and hits the Danes cultural
roots - especially about the Danish language
- their mother’s gentle native Danish tongue
- and God giving the Danish flag and the best victories.
Many countries have similar affectionate songs describing
their beloved homeland.
Every country is very proud of their National Anthem
- and Denmark has nearly three!
Danmark er jeg født - DR's
DR-Video |
and enjoy the video with The Danish
National Girls’ Choir and
its Chief Conductor Phillip Faber
performing this special arrangement of
“I Danmark er jeg født”
in the DR Concert Hall together with an
engaging and exited audience. The Danish
Girls’ Choir can really express
their native Danish mother tongue
brilliantly - in a unique vocal
style - with delicate and sophisticated
harmonies heaping the arrangements full
of flavour and texture - while performing
this special arrangement of “I Danmark
er jeg født”. The Danish
National Girls’ Choir was founded
in 1938 - and the Girls’
Choir primary objective was to make radio
broadcasts for the DR
(Danmarks Radio) - The Danish Broadcasting
Corporation. The choir’s most important
task is still to produce programmes for
radio - television - the internet and
other occasions. The Danish National Girls’
Choir consists of 52
girls aged 16-22 years.

& Vintage
Tourism Posters - Cities & Venues in Denmark |
social security -
and a lot of hard struggle for the daily bread! |
Danish emigrants travelling to North America and
Many Danes left their homeland
Denmark around 1880
to seek new opportunities primarily in USA
and Canada together with other
emigrant from Scandinavia - Sweden and
Norway. At that time no social
benefits or social security
were offered to the Danish emigrants - who was
compelled to manage by their own - and begin their
new life with a lot of hard struggle for
the daily bread.
See: Tracing
Struggle for the daily bread.
- Thingvalla - 1885 |
Thingvalla Steam Ship transported nearly
all Scandinavian emigrants to USA and Canada
from Denmark. The contract above shows that
a ticket (Passager-Contract) in 1885 to
America with Thingvalla line cost DKK 300,-
for 3rd class passengers. |
year since 1912 - the American Independence
Day on July 4th. is celebrated at Rebild
National Park in Jutland with thousand of
Danish-Americans and Danes - as a gratitude
to USA for welcoming the Danish emigrants
in the middle of the 1800s. Rebildselskabet. |
Rebild National Park Society & the Independence
Day of USA
Rebild National Park Society (Rebildselskabet)
has since 1912 arranged in northern
Jutland the grand July 4 Celebration of
USA’s Independence Day around the
Rebild Hills (Rebild Bakker) in Denmark.
During this festive celebration thousands of people,
from many parts of the United States, gather to
celebrate the Independence Day of USA on July
4th - on the purple heather-covered Rebild Hills
and surrounding National Park. Actually, this
is the largest July 4th Independence Day celebration
outside the United States, and this special event
on Rebild Hills in Jutland turns out to always
be an unforgettable day, full of festivities,
cheering crowds of Danish-American’s
and their Danish relatives, great music,
selective celebrity, public and festival speakers
- mixed with different activities and many cherished
traditions. |
Destinations & Ports of Call in Denmark |
Destinations - Denmark |
West Coast of Jutland |
the vast and rustic West Coast areas of Jutland
- with the ever moving sand dunes - and experience
the fishing boats on the sandy beaches, after
they arrive with their daily catch. |
Destinations & Ports of Call in Denmark
Beside Copenhagen being the major and
popular cruise destination in Scandinavia
- then several other beautiful and exhilarating
cities in Denmark - all filled with a rich history
- interesting attractions and
an explosion of cultural
venues - are visited by intercontinental
cruise passengers - as these selected cruise destinations
and Danish waterfront townscapes are widely used
as the Port of Call for international
Cruise Liners cruising the clean and steady waters
of Denmark.
of Call in Denmark:
• Jutland:
Aalborg - Aarhus
- Fredericia - Skagen
Sealand (Zealand) : Copenhagen
- Elsinore
- Hundested - Kalundborg
Rønne |
Excursion and Field Trips
Our Inbound Travel Service Team
offers comprehensive shore excursion and field
trips from all Danish cruise destinations - as
well as exploring the countryside around the local
historical areas with many exciting sites
and top attractions. |
Picturesque Portrait of a real Fairy Tale Kingdom |
- captivating and relaxing travel destination...
This is a pictorial selection - combined
with some nostalgic and vintage tourism posters
- showing interesting places and historical venues
in Denmark - as well as presenting some nationwide
core Danish traditions and values - plus an everyday
typical Danish lifestyle - but it is most of all
a visual glimpse of Denmark - as an inspiring
- captivating and relaxing travel destination
- with its more than thousand years of everlasting
Historical and Cultural Heritage created by generations
of Danes. And the Danes have much to be proud
of - and happily share Denmark with curious visitors.
Homesick Danes - and our Brave Troops Abroad
This photo selection and section of Denmark is
especially a tribute and salute to all homesick
Danes - plus our brave Troops - missing their
homeland, while serving their country abroad! |
(Danmark) - Jutland (Jylland) - Sealand -Zealand (Sjælland)
- Funen (Fyn)
Lolland-Falster and Bornholm |
World Heritage Sites in Denmark - 8 |
Parks in Denmark - 5 |
Attractions - Landmarks & Historical Places in Denmark |
sand-covered church at Skagen from the 14th century - where
nearly half of the church tower rises from the heavy sand
dunes and where the rest of the church is buried under.
The church was finally closed in 1795. North Jutland. |
historical Dybbøl Mill and National symbol from 1744
that marks Danish patriotism - endurance and resistance.
The National Mill and War Monument was the centre of the
Battle of Dybbøl in 1848 and 1864. South Jutland. |
prehistoric Old Town in Aarhus (Den Gamle By) is a 5-star
Open Air Museum experience, unfolding Danish urban history
and culture from 1550 to the 20th century, exhibiting 75
historical houses from all over Denmark. East Jutland. |
- © |
boats on the beach at Vorupør. West Jutland. |
Old Town Hall - Ebeltoft |
old Town Hall at Ebeltoft from 1789. Mols East Jutland. |
Castle and former royal residence from 1268. East Jutland. |
- © |
Ribe - Oldest Town in Denmark |
oldest town in Denmark is the medieval city Ribe that was
founded around 850 A.C.. Ribe has also the oldest Cathedral
in Denmark - from the mid 1100s. (The Church of Our Lady).
South-East Jutland. |
- “The Sky Mountain” |
of the very highest points in Denmark is called the “Sky
Mountain” (Himmelbjerget) - and is located at the
Silkeborg lakes - with a height of 150 metres over sea level.
“Sky Mountain” is a great attraction. Mid Jutland. |
Christian Andersen's - Home |
world famous fairytale writher Hans Christian Andersen's
childhood home in Munkemølle St. in Odense from 1785.
The home also houses the H.C. Andersen Museum - opened in
1908. Odense. Funen. |
- © |
Castle from 1554 - and Veteran Car Museum. Funen. |
beach houses (Strandhusene) - Isle of Ærø.
South Funen. |
Harbour and acient town from 1253. South Funen. |
- © |
Bakker (Rebild National Park) with its purple heather-covered
hills - Himmerland. Northern Jutland. |
Tower (Krudttårnet) from 1688 - is the rest of the
old fortification in Frederikshavn. North Juthland. |
& Isles - all Around Denmark |
over Guldborgsund Strait between Lolland and Falster.
There are 90 inhabited isles and 66 ferry crossings in
Denmark. |
Roundtrip with Guide - in and around Denmark |
- © |
Canal from 1796 - connects Odense harbour with beautiful
Odense fjord. Mid Funen. |
Round Church - Bornholm |
Round Church from 1150 - with historic frescos from 1400
- and still in service for churchgoers. Bornholm. |
Bridge with a lovely view over Vejle Town - and a central
link for the East Jutland motorway. East Jutland. |
- © |
Castle from 1520 - well preserved medieval castle with an
active museumis is worth a visit. North Jutland. |
“Strip” - Jomfru Ane Gade - Aalborg |
famous nightlife area called the “Strip” - Jomfru
Ane Gade - Virgin Ane Street. North Juthland. |
Rescue Station - Thorup Strand |
Rescue Station at Thorup Strand - The fist Rescue post was
established in 1840. West Jutland.
- © |
is the broad Sound that divides Funen from the isle of Tåsinge
that also is connected with a bridge to lovely Langeland Island.
The area with the many Islands is also called - “The
South Funen Archipelago”. Det Sydfynske Øhav.
South Funen. |
Open Air Museum with over 100 rural houses from 1550-1950
- derived from all regions of Denmark - and then painstakingly
recreated brick by brick - and furnished with the original
artefacts. The settlement is spread over a large landscape
area. Greater Copenhagen. |
Stenhus” from 3300 BC - is Denmark's largest stone burial
chamber - surrounded by the beautiful and scenic Mols Rolling
Hills - which is situated on the hilly peninsula of “Djursland”
- that also is a part of the Danish National Parks. East Jutland. |
- © |
Beaches & Clean Bathing Water |
nymphs after a fresh swim in the clean waters of Oresound.
East Sealand. |
Safaripark is North Europe's largest. Isle of Lolland. |
Cliff - Denmark’s highest cliffs and over 6 km long.
Isle of Møn. |
- © |
ARoS Art Museum was founded by Aarhus citizens in 1859,
and since 2004 located in new premises. Sculpture of ”Boy”
by Ron Muecks. East Jutland. |
Cathedral and Abbey from 1416 - and former Bridgettine monastery
- was founded by Queen Margrete I of Denmark. Mid Lolland. |
head entrance to Valdemar Castle built in 1644 - on the beautiful
Isle of Tåsinge near the town of Svendborg. South Funen. |
- © |
Boats - Gilleleje Harbour |
harbour is the next largest harbour in the region with a big
fleet of fishing boats - and is a great tourist attraction
in summertime. North Sealand. |
Lighthouse - 1877 |
Lighthouse from 1877 - and one of the first lighthouses established
along the harsh West Coast of Jutland. West Jutland. |
Museum of Modern Art |
Museum of Modern Art located on the beautiful seashores of
Oresound. Bronze Sculpture by Henry Moore. North Sealand. |
- © |
Regnskov - Tropical Zoo |
Regnskov - Tropical Zoo with thousand of species beside Guden
River. East Jutland. |
National Dish |
Danish national dish called - "Frikadeller" - eaten
by the world's most pork consuming people. |
Bjerge & National Park |
Mols Bjerge (Mols Rollings Hills) in Syddjurs Municipality
- and a National Park in Denmark. East Jutland. |
- © |
Castle - 1574-1577 |
Castle from 1574-1577 - is also called “Hamlets Castle”
- and situated on the narrowest point of the Oresound Strait.
North Sealand. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. |
Thy - West Coast of Jutland |
heavy sand dunes and blue sea at the rough West Coast of Thy
in Jutland - which is a great recreational area - and a part
of the Danish National Parks. West Jutland. |
Church from 1150 - and burial plot for King "Gorm the
Old" - who is buried under the church floor in this historical
Church. East Jutland. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. |
- © |
Mute Swan - was elected as Denmark's national bird in 1984.
Museum from 1682 - on the isle of southern Amager. |
Faroe bridge from 1985 - connecting Sealand with Falster. |
- © |
Viking Ring Fortress - 980 AC |
the Trelleborg Viking Ring Fortress from 980 AC, and Viking
house with room for some 1300 people. South Sealand. |
Herring - Bornholm |
smoked herring - a national dish from the isle of Bornholm.
Prepared and served since the Middle Age. |
Church from 1130 - the birthplace of Copenhagen’s creator
Bishop Absalon. Mid Sealand. |
- © |
theme and amusement park is built up by more than 80 million
Lego bricks - Billund. Mid Jutland. |
and charming Gudhjem town and fishing village - Isle of
Bornholm. East coast. |
at Sea” - Esbjerg |
”People at Sea” - A new 9 metre high landmark
for Esbjerg city. West Jutland. |
- © |
Paste - A National Spread |
Danes favourite spread on their open Danish sandwiches (Smørrebrød)
is Liver Paste, made basically from pork liver and lard. The
Danes eat 18-20 million tons of “Leverpostej”
every year - 5 kilo per Dane - and over 90 percent of all
Danes make one or more “Leverpostejmad” - an open
Danish Liver Paste Sandwich every single day - with all sorts
of toppings. The delicious "Leverpostej" is a "must"
in every daily lunchbox - and in the Danes Picnic Basket -
or at the Buffet Bar. |
Plains & Woodlands |
hunting forests on the plains of "Dyrehaven" was
established by King Frederik III - around 1669 - and is situated
about 16-20 km. from Copenhagen. The landscape was created
by Danish Kings to conduct “Par Force” hunting
- with hunting lanes that begins and ends at the Eremitage
Hunting Lodge. The woodlands cover - Store Dyrehave - Gribskov
and Jægersborg Hegn - and is A UNESCO World Heritage
Site. North Sealand. |
Danes have elected their favourite National Dish as “Stegt
Flæsk med Persillesovs”. Fried Pork Belly Slices
with Potatoes and Parsley Sauce. The rural pork dish originates
from the old Danish country kitchen - and has been eaten by
generations of Danes for many centuries. The “Stegt
Flæsk“ dish is also a popular treat at Danish
restaurants and Slow Food Eateries - and is a quite inexpensive
and affordable pork dish to prepare - serve and enjoy. |
- © |
of Hammershus Castle from 1255. North Bornholm. |
Boats on the Limfjord that runs from Kattegat to the North
Sea. |
Castle from 1230 - isle of Langeland. South Funen. |
- © |
Palaces - Royal Residence |
flock by thousands all year long around the Royal Families
residence at the “Amalienborg Palaces” from 1750-1758
- established by King Frederik V (1723-1766). The four identical
built Royal Palaces is a great and popular tourist attraction
and historic venue. Central Copenhagen. |
Danish "Ingrid Marie" Apple |
"Ingrid Marie" apple originates from Denmark -
and is a juicy Danish apple that was found by coincidence
in a garden on the isle of Funen in 1910. The Cox style
apple is very popular in Denmark and in Northern Europe.
The original self-sown mother tree still stands at the town
called “Høed”. Funen. |
“Pjerrot” character has been a long institution
and tradition at "Bakken" - situated north
of Copenhagen - which is the world’s oldest
amusement park established in 1583 in the tranquil
woodlands of (Dyrehaven) the "Deer Park",
that also is a very popular outing destination and
leisurely picnic venue.
- © |
Local Symbols - Jutland |
painted stones from the west coast of Jutland. |
Cathedral -
1170 |
Cathedral from 1170 - with 5 towers. West Sealand. |
- for cleaner energy - all over the windy coastlines of
Denmark. |
- © |
Church at Stevns Cliff - 1250 |
Højerup Church from 1250 at the edge of Stevns Cliff
- where the choir collapsed in 1928 - and fell into the
water. East Sealand. A UNESCO World Heritage Site. |
Pantomime Theatre - 1874 - Tivoli |
dancing with Columbine at the Pantomime Theatre from 1874
in Tivoli. The mime theatre performance gathers thousands
of tourists every year. Copenhagen. |
Train - Maribo to Bandholm |
train from Maribo to Bandholm with the oldest Danish steam
engine from 1879. The line was inaugurated in 1869 - and open
in the summer season. Isle of Lolland. |
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Fjord and National Park |
and picturesque Roskilde Fjord with its scenic landscapes
and large forests located centrally on Sealand, is a slice
of the huge Scylding National Park and part of the Danes
cultural heritage and history. Central and West Sealand. |
Forest and National Park |
(Grib Forest) is one of Denmark’s largest forests and
woodlands situated in Northern Sealand, near Lake Esrum -
and is a part of the National Parks in Denmark called the
Kings of North Sealand. |
Cathedral - 12th Century |
Cathedral from the 12th century is the biggest Cathedral in
Denmark and the main burial site for Danish Kings and Queens
since the 15th century. The Cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage
Site. Mid Sealand. |
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Odde - Peninsula |
Odde" - the outmost and beautiful tip and peninsula of
Sealand with a splendid panoramic view both over the Kattegat
Sea and Sejerø Bugt (Sejerø Bay). West Sealand. |
- Mors - Limfjord |
Hanklit Cliffs that rise imposingly from the coastline,
is the largest diatomite cliff in the world, located on
the isle of Mors in the west part of the Limfjord. North
Jutland. |
is a nation of cyclists - with a deep-rooted cycling culture,
who enjoy cross-country cycling all over the Danish Kingdom,
as cycling is a fantastic lifestyle for the Danes. |
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- The Royal Yacht |
- The Danish Royal Yacht from 1931 - is the official and
private floating residence for the Royal Family, which traditionally
every year on summer cruises visits selected coastal towns
in Denmark. |
scenic landscapes in Denmark |
the beautiful Danish countryside in spring with poppies -
daisies and yellow mustard fields along the country roads
- and discover many other scenic landscapes in Denmark. Central
Sealand. |
watermill from 1548 - grinded corn until 1990 and the yearly
production was 150 ton. The watermill wheel is still in full
function and attracts tourists from near and far. East Jutland. |
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& H.C. Andersen |
house on Funen with hollyhocks - taken right out from a song
with lyrics by writer H.C. Andersen. |
Liselund mini-castle from 1887 and its beautiful park in English
style. Isle of Moen. |
Aalborg Tower - Landmark |
Aalborg Tower is the landmark of the city - that offers
a panoramic view over the Cityscape and Northern Jutland. |
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"Smørrebrød" & National Treat
"Smørrebrød" - Open Sandwiches - is
a very popular treat plus a national speciality for all Danes
- and is always enjoyed with cold beer and the strong Danish
"firewater" called "Snaps". |
Red Danish Letter Box - "Postkasse" |
traditional red Danish letter box (Postkasse) designed in
1870, and still in use all over the Danish Kingdom. The Danish
postal service was established way back in 1624. |
Castle - 1560 |
Castle from 1560 - built by King Frederik II and his son
King Christian IV. Today the castle also houses The Museum
of National History. North Sealand. |
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Red Sausage - "Rød Pølse" |
Fast Food" - is the famous and tasty "Rød
Pølse" - which is a must to eat for any busy Dane.
Over 150 million porky Red Sausages are consumed every year
in Denmark. Stryhns. |
Centre Nykøbing - Falster |
the Medieval Centre in Nykøbing Falster, with ongoing
authentic knight tournaments and heavy battles during the
season. The historic venue is a great tourist attraction.
Falster. |
Frigate "Jylland" -
1860 |
Frigate Jutland from 1860, is one of the world’s longest
wooden battleships with 44 muzzle-loading cannons, and is
now anchored at Ebeltoft harbour, as a historic and national
warship museum. |
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Castle -
1720-1726 |
Castle from 1720-1726, is the summer residence of the Danish
Royal Family. North Sealand. |
North Sea Oceanarium at Vorupør is one of the largest
aquariums in Northern Europe. Northwest Jutland. |
Goose Tower from 1364 - and a part of an old fortress built
by King Valdemar (Atterdag). Vordingborg. South Sealand. |
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a sea-faring nation, there is a ship model hanging from
the ceiling in every Danish Church. The oldest Votive ship
is in Ho Church from the 1600s. The Church Ships symbolize
gratefulness to life at sea and protection by God. West
Jutland. |
Viking Ship Museum at the shores of Roskilde Fjord houses
the museum for prehistoric ships from the Viking period
around 1030-50. The ships were found at Skuldelev in Roskilde
Fjord in 1960 - and excavated in 1962. Mid Sealand. |
Sommerland - Blokhus |
Fårup Sommerland - action and aqua park is entertainment
for the entire family - and is one of north Europe’s
largest amusement parks and a five star attraction in Denmark.
Blokhus. North West Jutland |
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Castle - 1590 |
Castle from 1590 - is the former Royal residence of King
Frederik VII - and Countess Danner. The Countess is buried
in the castle garden. North Sealand. |
Folk Dancers from isle of Fanø with their traditional
costumes. There are over 110 different types of Folks costumes
in Denmark that vary in colour and fashion from region to
region. |
“Doll House” - Ærøskøbing |
smallest residence in Denmark is only 26 m² - and built
around 1775. Once this was the home for two families and
called the “Doll House”. Isle of Ærø.
South Funen. |
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