”I Danmark
er jeg født” - The Unofficial
National Anthem
song is one of the most favourite
and beloved
hymn that touches
the Danes deeply inside - and is known
by every Dane - who has sung this
song from a very early age - and leant
every word and line by heart.
The song is written marvellously
by famous Danish fairytale writer
Hans Christian Andersen
Each written word and sentence is
a broad compassionate portray
of Denmark - plus
the Danish kingdom's passing history.
The lyrics have a great deep-felt
affection on the Danes appreciation
and faithfulness
for their beautiful country and cultural
heritage - and give the majority
of Danes "goose pimples"
- when sung and performed in good
harmony and company with each other.
text is written by a true master that
strikes the entire soul
of the Danes native identity
- as well as the Danish mentality
- mindset and Christian
upbringing - which was his
legacy - and true
area of excellence - and
the strong religious nurture
his middle name also signifies and
No one like Hans Christian Andersen
can interpret Danish in such an inspiring
and picturesque way
- which makes his storytelling and
song writing so imaginative
and outstanding -
that leave Danes of all ages with
a meaningful understanding of their
native tongue. It’s
a pity that the words and text is
impossible to translate into any other
languages - as well as songs from
other countries are just as hopeless
to translate into Danish - without
missing the deeper meaning and spirit
of the lyrics. Many Danes have suggested
during the past that “I
Danmark er jeg født”
should be the national anthem.
Danmark er jeg født”
is written by Hans Christian Andersen
in 1850 - as a tribute
and honour
to his country - where he was born
and raised. In some
senses - it’s a very patriotic
song that praises
Denmark in a passionate
- poetic and inspiring
way - and also describes admiringly
how proud he is of his Danish
background - and how much
he loves Denmark as his homeland.
And the Danish language is
his mother's
soft voice and reminds him
of her gentle native Danish
tongue that sweetly blessed
reaches his heart. “Du danske
sprog - du er min moders stemme -
så sødt velsignet du
mit hjerte når”.
Furthermore he writes that God
gave the Danes the Danish flag “Dannebrog”
- and the best victories. ”hvor
Danebrogen vajer - Gud gav os den
- Gud giv den bedste sejer”!
The majority of Danes just love
and admire Hans Christian Andersen’s
version of portraying their homeland
Denmark - and feel the same way as
Hans Christian Andersen - when they
sing the devoted lyrics about Denmark
- especially about the Danish language
- their mother’s gentle native
Danish tongue - and God giving the
Danish flag and the best victories.
and enjoy the Video
with The Danish National Girls’
Choir and its Chief Conductor
Phillip Faber performing
this special arrangement of “I
Danmark er jeg født”
in the DR Concert Hall together with
an engaging and exited audience. The
Girls’ Choir can really express
their native Danish mother
tongue brilliantly - in a
unique vocal style
- with delicate and sophisticated
harmonies heaping the arrangements
full of flavour and texture - while
performing this special arrangement
of “I Danmark er jeg født”.
The Danish National Girls’ Choir
was founded in 1938
- and the Girls’ Choir primary
objective was to make radio broadcasts
for the DR (Danmarks
Radio) - The Danish Broadcasting Corporation.
The choir’s most important task
is still to produce programmes for
radio - television - the internet
and other occasions. The Danish National
Girls’ Choir consists of 52
girls aged 16-22
Every country is very proud of their
National Anthem - and Denmark has
nearly three! |