Copenhagen Tourism Venues - Copenhagen Tourist & Visitors Lounge

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Copenhagen - Personal and Practical Information!
Libraries are great Information Centres for tourism activities and services.
Copenhageners are very friendly and quite helpful - when tourists require any type of assistance.
Cruise Ground Services at Danish ports of call.
Copenhagen Tourism Venues & City Information

Libraries are great city information Centres & Tourism Venues
Visit your local library in Copenhagen - and obtain much more information about Copenhagen - as public Libraries are important Tourism Venues - great information centres and visitors service hotspots for tourists and visitors. Use the facilities like free Internet (book accommodations - airline tickets - travel offers etc.) - fax-service - copying facilities etc. - as well as reading a lot of free fresh daily newspapers from different countries plus magazines and other popular reading stuff. The Danish word for library is "Bibliotek". A collection of up-to-date travel books and guides are offered with information about Copenhagen - Denmark and Scandinavia. Even opened on Saturdays and Sundays!


Copenhageners - The born ambassadors of their city

The Copenhageners are really proud of their city - and feel themselves very fortunate if foreigners select to visit their town. When you are facing a genuine Copenhagener - you have probably meet a Jensen - Nielsen - Hansen - Pedersen or Andersen - which is the most common surnames in Copenhagen. The citizens of Copenhagen are the born ambassadors and the prime tourist attraction of their city. So kindly contact them - and ask if you require or need any type of assistance - and they will be trilled to help in any way. Most Copenhageners speak English - and many residents speak German - French and Spanish.

Copenhagen Culture

Inbound Travel Service provides all services at Copenhagen Ports of Call - as Ground Operations - Transfers - Sightseeing - Shore Excursions - Cultural & Leisure Events etc. - with the best combinations that ensure safe and enjoyable arrangements in and beyond Copenhagen. We also offer Cruise Events - and Hospitality Venue Programs - as a part of our Destination Management solutions and services.

Transfer - Transport - Excursion - Accommodation

See: Inbound Travel Service

Credits Cards
Credit Cards in Copenhagen

All international credit cards are mostly accepted in Copenhagen and Denmark. Banks - shops - hotels - restaurants and other type of services allows a fee of 3,75% for every transaction the tourists make with their credit card.
Cruise Copenhagen
Cruise Ports of Call - Copenhagen

All international Cruise vessels that visits Denmark’s Capital city Copenhagen for the cruise season - will either line up at the Langelinie Pier - or the harbour area of the Freeport Piers at Nordhavn. The “Turn Around” Cruise ships - will mainly tie up at the North Harbour Piers for embarkation.
The Terminal at Amerika Plads serves passengers sailing to and from Oslo - Norway and Poland.

See: Cruise Copenhagen
There are over 350 km of safe cycle tracks in and around Copenhagen.
Copenhageners have quite a noble culture and behaviour on their cycles.
Cycling in Copenhagen

360 km of safe cycle tracks

There are about 5,2 million bicycles in Denmark - and over 700,000 in Copenhagen - as nearly every Dane owns a cycle. Almost 400,000 Copenhageners use their beloved cycles to commute back and forth to work every day - and in the warmer periods - especially in the summertime - the amount of cyclists in Copenhagen increase on the 360 km of safe cycle tracks that are established around the city. There are no free bicycles available in Copenhagen for tourists.

Copenhagen has a quite noble cycle culture
Copenhagen is a very biker friendly city and has been it for almost 100 years with a quite noble cycle culture - and here are some basic rules - when cycling in the city: Keep right and always use the bicycle tracks - when available. Use hand signals - when turning right or left or stopping. In Denmark there are no right turns on red. Only one person is allowed on a cycle - and riding side by side is permitted. Stop at bus stops - and allow passengers to enter or departure the bus. Many cyclists use crash helmets - but it is not mandatory by law.

See: Cycling & Driving

See: Transport

Always clean free fresh drinking tap water in Copenhagen.
Drinking Water in Copenhagen

Free fresh tap water

Another bonus visiting Copenhagen is that all taps in the City run with Sparkling Clean and Fresh Drinking Water. No matter where you are in Copenhagen there will always be fresh drinking tap water around you. As one of the few countries in the world - Denmark can offer their citizens and visitors sparkling clean drinking water directly from the tap - and as a curiosity the same Sparkling Clean and Fresh Drinking Water is used in the shower - for watering lawns - for car wash and for flushing toilets etc. As a curiosity - many restaurants requires between DKK 50.00100.00 for a can or jar of cold free and fresh tap water!

By Danish law - it is compulsory to drive on the right side of the road - and always with the head lights turned on.
Driving in Denmark
Basic traffic rules
In Denmark everyone drives on the right side of the road - and remember - always with the head lights on. All the road signs use standard international symbols and sometimes include Danish text. 1 kilometer is equal to 0.6 miles.

Speed Limits
Speed limits in Denmark is 50 km/h in towns and built-up areas - 80 km/h on open roads - and 110 km/h on the highway (some parts allow 130 km/h with posted signs). There are special speed limits for trailers - caravans and mobile homes.

Safety Rules
In Denmark - seat belts must be used at all times - and there must be a seat belt for every person in the car. Make sure to carry a warning triangle in your car - and use it when stopping on open roads or highways. Parking cars unlawfully will result in a fine of over DKK 700,-. It’s a must in Denmark always to keep your headlights on.

Drink Driving & Drugs
Just don't drink and drive with alcohol or drugs in your body. The legal limit for alcohol in your blood is 0.05 per cent in Denmark - anything higher than 0.05 per cent - one will receive a very high fine - hard punishment - as well as a jail sentence! And driving under the influence of drugs or other former for euphoriants will provide the driver with even higher sentences - who subsequently will be punished severely.

Driving Documents and Motorcycles
Always carry your driving licence - vehicle registration document - and certificate of motor insurance with you - as all motor vehicles by law must be insured in Denmark. You must be 18 years to drive a car or motorcycle in Denmark - and motor cyclists must by law use a crash helmet at all times.

Emergency and Assistance
If involved in a traffic accident in Denmark - one must call 112 to receive help and support from the Danish police - fire department or ambulance.

See: Cycling & Driving

See: Transport

220 volts electricity.
Electricity in Copenhagen

Power supply
Electricity is supplied at 220 volts A/C - 50-60 Hz cycle. In many hotels 110-volt power plugs are also available. Adapters and transformers can be purchased in Denmark. It's always best to check at your hotel desk before using an electrical outlet.

Holidays and Flag days in Denmark.
Flag Days - Holy Days - Public Holidays - Denmark

Flag - Holy and Public Holidays

In Denmark there are several Flag Days - Holy Day and Public Holidays that are celebrated as a part of the Danish Christian inheritance and culture. And there are many seasonal holidays and vacations - such as summer holidays - autumn holidays and winter holidays. All public schools follow the seasonal holidays.

See: Flag days - Holidays
Hospital Treatment in Copenhagen & Denmark

Hospital Treatment in Denmark

As a bonus visiting Denmark - all international foreigners from all nations are entitled to receive transient hospital treatment or use casualty wards if an unexpected sickness or accident should occur during a temporary stay in Denmark. The patient's home transport is covered by the treated person. Always check all the travel insurance details at home before travelling to Denmark - and about the hospital treatment issues.

See: Rigshospitalet (Hospitals in Copenhagen)

Hotels in Copenhagen.
Hotels in Copenhagen

Hotels and Accommodation
Hotel Booking in Copenhagen. Just use our hotel booking site with various star categories and preferred location in the city.

See: Hotel Booking

Interactive Maps over inner Copenhagen and beyond the city.
Copenhagen Maps - Interactive Maps - Copenhagen and Beyond

Copenhagen Maps - Interactive Maps
We find it essential - and as an important "must" - that an online tourist site and travel guide has several interactive maps - which shows and describes in details all the top attractions and historical venues - so our valued visitors can find their way around - and are completely informed about the sites they are visiting in Copenhagen and beyond. We are the first company in the world that has produced some costly interactive maps for our web user’s convenience - and as a helpful and valuable service and inspiring tool.

See: Interactive Map - Copenhagen

See: Interactive Map - Greater Copenhagen

Go Wireless nearly everywhere in and around Copenhagen.
Internet - WIFI - Cell Phone in Copenhagen

Wireless all over Town
You can go online nearly everywhere in Copenhagen as almost every mall - department store - hotel - café - restaurant - and other public areas like libraries - hospitals - train stations - airport - transport venues etc. offers wireless internet solutions.

Check with your hotel Concierge and Front Desk about all the wireless facilities around town and also the possibility to rent cell phones and laptop units. SIM cards and top-ups can be purchased all over the city - at kiosks - shops and supermarkets.

Almost every Dane speaks English and many speak German too.
Language in Denmark


As a privileged few - and among billions of people around the whole wide world - there are only 5.6 million Danes that speak and understand Danish. In the Scandinavian countries Danish is understandable between the Swedes and Norwegians - and vice versa. Nearly everyone in Copenhagen and Denmark speaks English - as Danish pupils today learn English at school from the 1. Grade. And from the 2. Grade - German.

See: Copenhagen Culture

There are baggage storing facilities at the Airport - and the Central Station in Copenhagen.
Lockers and Luggage Storage in Copenhagen

The Central Station
At Copenhagen’s Central Station there are good facilities to store luggage - as well as using the personal locker system. At the left baggage section the prices are very competitive - and the real value comes from knowing that you can get on with your business meeting or sightseeing trip and not have to worry about your belongings. The left luggage service operates every day between 05:30 am to 01:00 pm. On Sundays from 06:00 am.

Copenhagen Airport
There are left luggage-baggage storage facilities in each terminal at Copenhagen Airport. All kind of baggage and luggage items can be stored for up to one month at reasonable prices. Opening hours: Every day 5 am - 10 pm.

Unfortunately - the maximum rental period for baggage lockers at the airport is 72 hours.

Security checks
All items are subject to security checks - including X-ray screening and random hand searches.
See: Central Station
See: Copenhagen Airport

Contact the police for lost and found property.
Lost and Found Property in Copenhagen

Lost and Found
Contact the nearest Police Station or officer if you have lost your belongings - as the Lost and Found Property Office is operated by the Danish police. The police will guide you and help you to locate the lost property at the Lost and Found premises.

See: Lost & Found - Police

Parking Sign.
Parking in Copenhagen

Parking Copenhagen and Cruise Terminals

Like all other major cities and capitals around the world - it is nearly impossible and very costly to find a public parking space in the central part of Copenhagen - and the parking facilities are divided into parking zones. All around inner Copenhagen there are 8-10 inn-house parking garages and car parks.

Parking is free in Copenhagen during weekends from Saturday at 5 pm until Monday at 8 am - as well as on public holidays. Always check the parking signs with rules and regulations for the desired parking lot acquired.

There are limited parking facilities at the different Cruise Terminals in Copenhagen - with heavy parking duties.

Call 112 in Denmark for an urgent situation or emergencies.
Personal Emergencies in Copenhagen - 112

Doctors - Dentists - Casualty wards - Police

For any type of emergencies just call 112 (free from all phones in Denmark) and state the type of assistance required. Borrow a cell-phone if necessary as 90 % of Copenhagener's have one.

The pharmacy logo in Danish.
Pharmacy - (Apotek) in Copenhagen

Apotek - Pharmacy

Any type of medicine can only be purchased at chemists stores.
Some pharmacies in Copenhagen offer 24 hour services.
"Apotek" is the Danish word for pharmacy. Normal opening hours from 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.. Saturday until 1.00 p.m.

The very distinctive emblem on police uniforms.
The police on horse- back on their daily trip through the city area.
Police in Copenhagen - 114

The Danish Police
The Police Force in Copenhagen is well prepared and trained to tackle any situation that should occur during your stay in Copenhagen. The metropolitan police are here to protect - serve and advise tourist that visit the city and the police officers in Copenhagen speak English and German. Copenhagen is a safe city with a very low crime rate - but if you experience or find anything suspicious - or you are hassled by anyone - then immediately contact a police officer wearing a dark blue uniform and the very characteristic badge with a crown and three lions together with nine red hearts in a golden shield (The National Coat of Arms) - or ask for the location of the nearest police station. All basic emergencies for police - fire - ambulance dial 114.

Travelling Safely in Denmark: Safety Precautions

Danish Police:

There is always some kind of sale going on in shops and stores in Copenhagen all year round.
Price Level in Copenhagen

An expensive City - with some good bargains
Even though Copenhagen has the status of being one of the most expensive cities in the world - with 25% VAT on all products and services - one can as a tourist or visitor find some good bargains and acceptable deals - here - there and everywhere in the city.

Price Level in Copenhagen
For our web-users convenience - we have made an evaluation of the average prices in Danish Kroner for everyday consumer goods and services in Copenhagen stores - supermarkets - gas stations - hotels etc.. The prices are subject to daily offers and bargains - which can vary from store to store depending on different products - brands and offers. The following information in our "Price Level in Copenhagen" webpage is just meant to give our web-users an indication of the price level in Copenhagen for comparison of similar products in their own country.

The public health and insurance system.
Public Health Insurance - Denmark

Danish Public Health Insurance
Persons visiting Denmark for a temporary period are covered by the Danish public health insurance system in accordance to agreements between Denmark and the visitor's home country. Check all the travel insurance details at home before travelling to Denmark.

Many trick thieves will be operating with their criminal activities specially in crowded tourist areas.
Mind Pickpockets and Con Men spread all over Copenhagen.
Safety Precautions in Copenhagen & Denmark
Pocket Thieves and Con Men
Like in any other Capital City or Metropolitan areas - Copenhagen has it’s problems with professional pickpockets and thieves that mainly target Visitors and Tourist and are spread all over the city. Even though Copenhagen records a low crime rate - and is a quite safe place to be and stay - pocket thieves operate in crowded tourist areas - where the risk of being a victim for these sneaky criminals is higher on the Pedestrian Street “Strøget” and the area around the Central Station as well as Cinemas - Cafés - Restaurants and Public Transportation etc.. So be careful with your personal belongings and always use your common sense. If any attempt - you should immediately contact the police.

Warning! - Warning! - Warning!
Many trick thieves and con men will enter into the city for the tourist season - and are operating with their criminal activities especially at the Pedestrian Street “Strøget”. Take especially good care of your bag - wallet - cell-phone - iPhone - camera - jewellery - wrist watch - and anything else of value - and never carry more than DKK 100-200 with you - as there are ATMs everywhere.

Danish Border Control
Even though Denmark has an effective and strict border control at all Danish borders introduced and establish since 2016 - then many sneaky criminals manage to force the Danish border and enter into Denmark to conduct their criminal activities - which is an Eldorado and Gold Mine for con men - thieves - bandits - burglars - crooks - who have found their way illegally into one of the prime welfare states in the world.

Travelling Safely in Denmark: Safety Precautions

There are 5 km with stores and shops in one stretch in central Copenhagen.
Several Shopping Malls and Outlets are mostly situated on the outskirts of Copenhagen.
Shopping - 5 km with shops - in one stretch in Copenhagen

Shops - Shops and Shops

From Kongens Nytorv (The Kings square) - at the end of the Pedestrian Street "Strøget" - close to "Nyhavn" - and to the other end of Copenhagen - the Zoo Gardens - there is almost 5 km of shops - shops and shops. The route can start at Kongens Nytorv - then walk up through the Pedestrian Street "Strøget" - pass the Town Hall Square - (take a pause here and enjoy a red Danish hotdog) - then enter Vesterbrogade and continue right to the Zoo Gardens. The walk tour will nearly take a half day each way. With a free city bike the trip will be reduced to half time. For shopaholics and bargain hunters - this is the ultimate 5 km of shopping and workout tour in one stretch - as well as a great way to experience Copenhagen - and also get some healthy refreshing exercise.

See: Shopping

See: Pedestrian Streets

Opening Hours
Mall - stores - shops and outlets
are normally open between 09:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. the whole week long - also weekends in Copenhagen. The opening hours was regulated in October 2012.

VAT and Tips are all inclusive for any type of service charges in Denmark.
Tipping in Denmark

All service charges and VAT are included in restaurant - hotel and taxi bills etc. - so further tipping is unnecessary in Copenhagen and Denmark. If you feel that the service provided was extraordinarily good - a rewarding tip will always be greatly appreciated.

The yellow busses serves in the metropolis area.
The S-trains service in Copenhagen.
Transportation in Copenhagen

Moving around
A view over Copenhagen’s Public Transport System - and how to move a round in the city for tourists - visitors - cruise passengers - when using Public Busses - S-trains - The Metro Systems - Taxies etc.

Pirate Taxies!
There are many "Pirate Taxies" in Copenhagen - and we highly recommend you not to take one of these - due to lack of proper insurance - and other type of legal protection.
Contact the police immidiately if you are harassed or robbed by these criminal drivers!

Public Transport:

25% VAT - are included in any purchase price in Denmark.
The old Danish treasury chest from 1642.
25% VAT - Refund - Personal Taxation in Denmark

VAT (Value Added Tax) and refund
VAT - 25% are included in the purchase price for all products and services in Denmark. All Non EU citizens can obtain a refund on their Tax Free Shopping. Ask the shops and at the Air Port about the Danish Tax Refund Programme when shopping in Copenhagen.

Personal income Tax - and a High Standard of Living

In brief - personal income taxes in Denmark are among the highest in the world. To enjoy the high standard of living - plus one of the world’s most well functioning welfare systems - the Danes pay 50-60% tax of their total income. Married couples are taxed separately. The Danish taxation system is progressive and very complicated to administrate - even by the Danes - and also by the Danish “Skat” authorities. (Danish - IRS - Internal Revenue Service) Danish income tax consists of national tax - municipal tax - a high healthcare contribution - and tax to the Evangelical Lutheran State Church of Denmark. Due to a "tax ceiling" you will never pay more than 60% of your total income on income tax in Denmark -
but the Danes have nevertheless many other tax burdens to pay - as they still have to pay the 25% VAT on all goods - plus contribute with a lot of other government fees and taxes as a supplement to the Danish treasury account.

Miscellaneous - and Beyond Copenhagen
Religion & The National Church of Denmark
Remarkable Historical Churches and landmarks - in and around Copenhagen
Copenhagen Cathedral
The Cathedral of Copenhagen - The Church of Our Lady from 1840. The Altar with the famous statues of Christ and the twelve Apostles at the nave by legendary sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen.
See: Copenhagen Cathedral
Saint Petri Church
Saint Petri Church from 1450 - with Burial Vaults from 1648 - is the oldest Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Copenhagen - and the domicile of the German-speaking congregation.
See: Saint Petri Church
The Marble Church 
The Marble Church  - Frederik’s Church from 1894 - with the largest dome (31 m) in Northern Europe was left as a ruin for almost 150 years. Placed beside Amalienborg Palace.
See: The Marble Church  
Religion & The National Church of Denmark
The Danes became Christians more than 1000 years ago - when the Danish King Harald Bluetooth raised the Runic Stones at Jelling in Jutland in the first half of the 10th century stating that Christianity had come to Denmark. A vast majority of all ethnic Danes are Protestants - and are members of the National Church of Denmark - which is Evangelical Lutheran. The Runic Stones

The National Danish Church since 1536 - is the Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Protestant Reformation was introduced in Denmark in 1536 - and fortunately for the Danes - the Evangelical Lutheran Church became the National Church of Denmark - called "Folkekirken" (The Peoples Church) - and since contributed to shape the Danes cultural background - heritage - and national identity.

Historical Churches

Many historical churches are placed in Copenhagen - and open for tourists 7 days a week. All visitors are welcome to participate in the church service and take part of the Holy Communion. Some churches date back to 1450 - and many of these holy buildings are older - as they have been rebuilt after being destroyed by fires.
Grundtvig's Church
Grundtvig's Church built 1921-1940 - is the largest public Evangelical Lutheran church in Scandinavia - and a national monument over priest and Danish pioneer of folk high schools - philosopher - social reformer and hymn-writer N.F.S. Grundtvig.
See: Grundtvig's Church
The Church of Holmen
The old anchor forge was changed into The Church of Holmen in 1641 - as a cruciform church with a chapel - where two famous naval heroes Niels Juel (1629-1697) and Peter Wessel Tordenskiold (1690 -1720) plus other prominet persons are buried.
See: Holmens Church
Christiansborg Palace Chapel
Christiansborg Palace Chapel - from 1733-45 is the Chapel of the Danish Royal Family and burnt down several times. In 1826 the chapel celebrated the 1000 years of Christianity in Denmark. Many Royal events and weddings have taken place here.
See: Palace Chapel
Church Bells Chiming all day long
Living in a Protestant country and metropolis with thousands of Stately Evangelical Lutheran Churches spread all over Denmark - visitors and tourist will during the day and evening - constantly hear church bells chime for a variety of ceremonial Christian traditions and glorious Holy Occasions. Church Bells have been ringing all over the Danish Kingdom for over a thousand years - as a vital part of the Danes Christian Culture and Heritage.
The Web-site for The Danish National Church (Folkekirken - The Peoples Church)
See: (English)
Places of Worship for World Religions in Denmark & Copenhagen
Numerous Churches and Places of Worship belonging to other religious denominations than Evangelical-Lutheran are located around Denmark - Copenhagen and in other major Danish cities - where Tourists and Visitors can attend Religious and Worship Services - as the following World Religions are represented and offer Places of Worship: Baptist - Buddhist - Charismatic - Christian Scientist - Church of England - Hare Krishna - Hinduism - International Christian Ministry - Islam - Jehovah's Witnesses - Judaism - Methodist - Mormon - Orthodox Christians - Pentecostal - Quaker - Roman Catholic - Russian Orthodox - Salvation Army - Seventh Day Advent - Sikhism - plus many more denominations that practice their religion and religious beliefs in Denmark.
Shopping Hours in Copenhagen
Opening Hours
Mall - stores - shops and outlets
are normally open between 09:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. the whole week long - also weekends in Copenhagen. The opening hours was regulated in October 2012.
City Mall outside of Copenhagen with shops - restaurants - boutiques and cafes - all under the same roof.
Downtown walkway "Strøget" is a shopping paradise with lots of shops - boutiques and malls at the side of sidewalk cafes and restaurants.
Post Offices and Banks - Copenhagen
Post Offices
Post Offices & Postal Service - Copenhagen
Opening hours depends on location of Post Office and location in the city. Most Post Offices and Mail Services are located in Supermarkets - and larger Grocery Stores next to the kiosk or bakery.
(Some Supermarkets provide Postal Service in their opening hours - 06:00 a.m. to 24:00 p.m.)
Normal postal hours - Monday-Friday from - 10:00 a.m. to 05:30 p.m.
Saturday - 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Sunday closed.

Banking Hours and ATM service - Copenhagen
Banks are open from 10:00 p.m. to 04:00 p.m. - Monday to Friday. On Thursday banks are open to 06:00 p.m. At Copenhagen’s Central Station banking hours are from 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. - 7 days a week. ATM machines and service is provided outside every bank in Copenhagen and accepts all international credit cards.
Weather and Climate - Denmark
Weather and Climate in Copenhagen and Denmark
Denmark has four charming seasons: spring - summer - autumn and winter. Spring begins at the end of March to May. Summer starts in June and the hottest months with average temperature of 18°-24° Celsius is July and August. Autumn starts at the end of September to the middle of November with many sunny days and the leaves as well as the vegetation changes into beautiful orange – red and yellow colours. Winter starts at the end of November and ends in March with snowfall and freezing temperatures – making January - February the coldest month.

The Four Seasons in Denmark
The four seasons are Spring - Summer - Autumn and Winter
Autumn fall
Averages weather and temperatures for Denmark and Copenhagen
Changeable climate and weather
Denmark has a typical island climate because of its very variable and flat nature - and one is never certain if the weather brings sun or rain on a new day. Surprisingly - many tourists find the changeable climate quite charming and there will often blow a fresh wind over the country.

The coldest and warmest months in Copenhagen

The coldest month of the year is January - February with an average temperature near 0°. C. - and the warmest is July - August with an average about 18° - 24° C.

The lowest temperature in Denmark
The lowest temperature reported in Denmark was -29,0° C - January - 1942 - Ringkøbing
- West Jutland.

The highest temperature in Denmark
The highest temperature reported in Denmark was 36,4° C - August - 1975 - Holstebro - Mid-West Jutland.
Local seasonal temperatures since 2002 in Denmark
The highest seasonal temperature in 2002
32,0° C
August 19 - 2002 - (Bornholm)
The highest temperature reported in 2003
33,0° C
August 9 - 2003 - (Hestehovedet - Lolland)
The highest temperature reported in 2004
31,0° C
August 15 - 2004 - (North Jutland)
The highest temperature reported in 2005
30,7° C
May 28 - 2005 - (South Jutland)
The highest temperature reported in 2006
33,5° C
July 20 - 2006 (Fanø - South Jutland)
The highest temperature reported in 2007
31,5° C
June 11 - 2007 - (North Jutland)
The highest temperature reported in 2008
31,4° C
July 29 - 2008 - (South Jutland)
The highest temperature reported in 2009
32,8° C
August 20 - 2009 - (Jutland)
The highest temperature reported in 2010
33,9° C
July 11 - 2010 - (Bornholm)
The highest temperature reported in 2011
28,2° C
June 6 - 2011 - (Rønne - Bornholm)
The highest temperature reported in 2012
32,8° C
August 20 - 2012 - (Frederiksberg - Copenhagen)
The highest temperature reported in 2013
33,5° C
August 2 - 2013 - (Karup - Jutland)
The highest temperature reported in 2014
31,7° C
July 9 - 2014 - (Aalborg - Vestervig - Jutland)
The highest temperature reported in 2015
31,8° C
July 5 - 2015 - (Rønne - Bornholm)
The highest temperature reported in 2016
31,6° C
August 26 - 2016 - (Abed - Lolland)
The highest temperature reported in 2017
26,6° C
August 15 - 2017 - (Abed - Lolland)
The highest temperature reported in 2018
33,6° C
August 8 - 2018 - (Hammer Odde - Bornholm)
The highest temperature reported in 2019
32,8° C
July 25 - 2019 - (Borris - West Jutland)
The highest temperature reported in 2020
32,4° C
August 9 - 2020 - (Frederiksberg - Copenhagen)
The highest temperature reported in 2021
34,0° C
June 20 - 2021 - (Hammerodde - Bornholm)
The highest temperature reported in 2022
35,9° C
July 20 - 2022 - (Abed - Lolland)
The highest temperature reported in 2023
32,0° C
July 15 - 2023 - (Abed - Lolland)
The highest temperature reported in 2024
30,5° C
August 29 - 2024 - (Holbæk - Mid Sealand)

Tropical Nights & Days in Denmark & Heat Waves

- A Tropical Night in Denmark is - when the temperature reaches over +20° C.
- A Tropical Day in Denmark is - when the temperature reaches over +30° C.

- A National Heat Wave period in Denmark is - when the temperature is +28°C in 3 consecutive days

From any point in Denmark - there will be less than 52 km to the sea.
Sea & Beaches around Copenhagen & Denmark
The Sea and Beaches is Always Nearby
From any point in Denmark - there will be less than 52 km to the sea.
When you stay in Copenhagen you are never far from a beach area - as Copenhagen is a Costal Metropolis with long stretches of sandy beaches alongside the costal line of Copenhagen. From any point and place in Denmark - there will be less than 52 km to the coastline - beaches and sea.

Sea and Beaches is always nearby in and around Denmark
From any point in Denmark - there will be less than 52 km to the sea.

See: Beaches & Bathing

See: Harbour Bathing

Danish Currency


The "Krone and Øre" is the Danish currency - which is equal up to 100 øre.
There are 100 øre for 1 Danish Krone. Crown.

Notes are available in 50 - 100 - 200 - 500 and 1000 DKK.
All of the banknotes are decorated with great Danish personalities and symbols from
the historical world.

Coins in circulation are 50 øre - 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 and 20 Kroner. The 25 øre coin has been taken out of circulation as from October 1st - 2008.

Note & Coin series from the
Danish Nationalbank

50 kroner (DKK) note portraying the famous writer Karen Blixen.
Back of 50 kroner (DKK) note with historical relics and symbols.

See also: Danish Banknotes & Coins

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