Copenhagen Culture & Destination Copenhagen - København

*A Part of the Danish Cultural Heritage*
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Copenhagen at a Glance
Copenhagen - København
Copenhagen Culture & Destination Copenhagen
Discover Copenhagen and Copenhagen Culture
Copenhageners Welcome Tourists and Visitors to Copenhagen
A Tribute to Copenhageners and their Vibrant City
The Copenhageners and their Dynamic City
Copenhagen viewed from the waters of Oresound - that hits the seashores - and spread a fresh smell of saltwater over the coastal city.

Destination Copenhagen & Copenhagen Culture
Learn a bit more about Copenhagen & Copenhageners - before visiting the biggest capital in Scandinavia!
Come to Denmark and experience the Copenhageners and their dynamic city!
Connecting Copenhagen Culture
with the rest of the World.
When you visit Copenhagen (København) - you are in the Danish Capital located in a major Welfare Nation - where you will find and experience a dynamic and vibrant city filled with more than thousand years of history and Danish culture with its strong values and mentality that has influenced generations of friendly and helpful Copenhageners - who worship their deep rooted cultural habits and easygoing lifestyle in an exciting metropolis atmosphere - which also is a basic part of the Danish Cultural Heritage that is the foundation of probably the best Welfare State in the world - with the greatest Healthcare System - and the maximum priority of offering all Danish citizens social security and economic well-being - plus high living standards. A part of this healthcare system is also beneficial for tourists and visitors - as it includes free hospital treatment if an unexpected sickness or accident should occur during a temporary stay in Denmark. But always be acquainted with your travel insurance. Copenhagen has been awarded several times - as one of the liveliest cities in the world - based on the Copenhageners high quality of life and cultural patrimony. The Danes and Denmark have - in all modesty - been awarded and crowned several times - as being the Nation with the “Happiest” and most "Satisfied" people on this fabulous Planet Earth - and has been ranked on top of this list in numerous occasions - as well as sharing this privilege and honour with all the other four Scandinavian Countries and Nordic Wellfare States. The latest UN-Report also concludes that “Joyful” citizens living in happy communities and countries - just live longer - and strive to cultivate their “Well-being” continuously. Come to Denmark and experience the "Happiest" people and most "Satisfied" citizens in this world!

  See: Happy Danes
See: Scandinavia
The Old Red Lighthouse
Copenhagen Airport
The more than hundred year old red lighthouse at Langelinie - is one of Copenhagen's cultural monuments that have welcomed tourists and visitors approaching the city from the seaside. The lighthouse is also a popular venue for Copenhageners and the local fishermen improving their daily catch.
Copenhagen Airport at Kastrup is one of the main entrances for tourists and visitors - who are visiting Denmark - and the airport is also the biggest in Scandinavia with millions of international passengers - and the main hub and transfer centre for flights to other Nordic countries and cities.
See: Copenhagen Airport
Living in Copenhagen - København
Living in Copenhagen - København
Whether you enter Copenhagen by ship - train - car or via Kastrup Airport - you properly know that you are visiting a city that has the status of being one of the world’s most expensive - and the hard working and well educated people who reside here - has for thousands of years contributed to create and build up this hospitable and international metropolis by paying the highest taxes possible in this world. Even having these huge burdens - the Copenhageners are still quite positive and pleased - as they know precisely how to trace some of the very good bargains in and around the city - and especially how to live comfortable and affordable using the tremendous amounts of discounted and low-priced offers that are available in town.
Below are some moody paintings of busy Copenhageners on location in Copenhagen from the early 1920s, by Danish painter Paul Fisher, also called “The Copenhagen Painter and Portraitist”.
High Bridge Square - Copenhagen - 1920
Christianshavn Square - Copenhagen - 1920
A moody moment painting from the Pulsating High Bridge Square and Amager Square, Copenhagen - from the early 1920s - by Danish painter Paul Fisher. "Højbro Plads set mod Amagertorv”.
Pavers working at Christianshavn Square - Copenhagen - from around 1920 - illustrated by Danish painter Paul Fisher. “Brolæggere på Christianshavns Torv”.
Live like Copenhageners & blend in
It is advisable that you live like the Copenhageners during your stay here - follow them and practice their spending habits - contact them and blend in with them - experience their culture and values - but most of all - be a part of Copenhagen’s pulsating life together with the Copenhageners - and live precisely as you were at home - as there is not much difference living in this part of a modern western civilization placed on a very desirable latitude - and in a trendy metropolitan hub like Copenhagen - than in others.
Amalienborg Palace from 1750
The Danish Parliament & Christiansborg Palace
The four Royal Palaces and Regal Rococo Residences - Amalienborg from 1750 - are situated in Copenhagen - and alongside the waterfront of the active and recreational harbour area. Every noon the ceremonial changing of the Royal Guards takes place - and is a great tourist attraction. Copenhagen became a Royal city in 1443.
The Danish Parliament "Folketinget" - is the “Stronghold of Danish Democracy” and situated in the premises of Christiansborg Palace from 1928 - right in the heart of Copenhagen. The Danish Parliament seats 179 elected members - and governing is sill based on the Constitution from 1849 - signed by King Frederik VII.
See: Amalienborg Palace 
See: The Danish Parliament
Copenhagen - Scandinavian's Biggest Capital
Copenhagen - Scandinavian's largest Capital & Royal City
As a tourist and visitor - you are also entering Scandinavian’s largest city and the bustling capital of Denmark that is one of the oldest kingdoms in the world with a constitutional monarchy. The popular Royal Danish family - who has ancestral links stretching back over 1,000 years - live at the royal residence Amalienborg Palace from 1750. Copenhagen became a Royal city in 1443 - and the regal palace was situated on the same spot as the present Christiansborg Palace from 1928 - that houses the Danish Parliament - and is the fifth castle at this location - where the founder of Copenhagen Bishop Absalon built the first fortress in 1167 AC - to protect the city. Copenhagen is situated on the islands of Sealand and Amager with its coastline towards the waters of Oresound - that delivers a fresh smell of saltwater over Copenhagen - when the breeze from east hits the seashores of the city. Visit the numerous Museums located in Copenhagen - and soak up some of the cultural sides of Copenhagen and Denmark - as many of the Museums in Copenhagen have free entrance on selected days all year long - and offer visitors a full day experience - as well as knowledge of the Danes historical background and their Cultural Heritage.
See: Museums 
Museums are Cultural Hotspots in Copenhagen
Copenhagen offers a wide range of Museums - Art Galleries and Historical Venues with free admission on selected days - that allows the visitor to soak up some of the cultural sides of Copenhagen and learn more about the city - as well as understanding the Danish way of life and the Danes cultural background and heritage.
A Spectacular Nightlife Culture in Copenhagen
The nightlife of Copenhagen is quite spectacular with a widespread of entertaining venues and lively night time scenes coloured with dinner and dance shows plus many trendy discos that gives partygoers and nightclub lovers a stylish taste of the diversified nightlife culture in Copenhagen.
Copenhagen - A Pleasant City - also for Culture Lovers!
A pleasant city with contrasts - and a hotbed of culture
Since the foundation of Copenhagen - and for generations - the Copenhagener have developed a city that is a really pleasant - and a very special place to live and work in - with a contrast between medieval and historical houses - castles and churches - parks and recreations areas - versus master class architecture that dominates the skyline together with an extensive and effective infrastructure. That’s also a part of the Danish History - Culture and Heritage - which combines the varied cosmopolitan - and cutting-edge vibe of a major city - surrounded by the pulsating Bridge Quarters - “Nørrebro” - “Vesterbro” and “Østerbro” plus "Frederiksberg" and the "Christianshavns" district on the isle of Amager - including the fascinating “Freetown Christiania” - complemented by the flavour of a wide range of cafés and bistros - pubs and bars - great eating places - splendic ethnic eateries and entertaining hotspots - as well as a safe and liveable townscape - that also offers flashy discos and exclusive nightclubs - which gives partygoers - disco kings and queens - and nightclub aficionados a trendy taste of the diversified nightlife culture in Copenhagen.

See: Copenhagen History
See: Events  
Rosenborg Castle from 1606
New Residential Boroughs
Rosenborg Castle from 1606 - was the summer residence of King Christian IV - and placed way out of the city ramparts in the open countryside. During the development of Copenhagen the castle is now surrounded by palaces and buildings and actually situated in the middle of the town. The Oresound and Sweden appears in the horizon.
Copenhagen has seen a boom in modern architecture that covers residential boroughs - cultural institutions and office buildings. Since King Christians IVs many 17th century landmarks - the city contains of a wide variety of architectural styles. Especially the harbor front has gone trough a facelift with new buildings and port facilities.
See: Rosenborg Castle
See: Cruise Ports 
Copenhageners from all over Denmark
Copenhageners from all parts of Denmark
The 1,8 million Danes that live in Copenhagen and the greater areas of the city are called Copenhageners and they speak a kind of what is described as - a standard Danish language (rigsdansk). Half of the inhabitants are genuine Copenhageners with roots placed way back in the cities thousand year history and the rest of the Danes that live in Copenhagen are citizens from other parts of the nation like Jutland - Sealand - Funen and Lolland–Falster - who has been fascinated of the city life - and has lived here for many generations as Copenhageners.

Danish & Copenhagen Dialects plus Slang
Danish Dialects across Denmark
Danish Dialects - and hundreds of sub-dialects - spread across Denmark. Danske Dialekter.
Danish Dialects and Slang
Minor selection of Danish Dialects and Slang - from all regions of the Danish Kingdom. Danske Dialekter. Theme Poster Collection.
Danish Dialects - with over hundreds of sub-dialects
Even though Denmark only has over 5.6 million inhabitants and is a small country in size - then there are over fifty traditional Danish dialects that differ from the modern Standard Danish Language called (rigsdansk) - which is mainly spoken in and around the Danish Capital Copenhagen. And over hundreds of local sub-dialects with a strong pronunciation and local vocabulary effectively coloured by the native Danish mother tongue - where even more sub cultural dialects are originated from various dialect areas - that have been present since King “Harald Bluetooth” for more than thousand years ago turned Denmark towards a Christian Culture and the Danes into Christianity - has ever since contributed to brighten up the Danish language into common and everyday Danish phrases - expressions and words.

The Danish mother tongue & dialects
(Danske Dialekter)
Unbelievably many Danes find it quite difficult to understand each others Danish mother tongue - which is surprisingly rather different from the one end of this little kingdom to the other - allowing the distinct rural and provincial dialects to flourish during centuries - and merged it with the modern Standard Danish Language that has made the Danish verbal communication very rich and diversified - but also inexpressible for tourists and foreigners.
The hundreds of colourful Danish dialects are still flourishing strongly - based on the words and grammar from the Standard Danish Language that has been spoken for numerous generations - and will always live a protected and vital life happily ever after. And to quote famous Danish entertainer Victor Borge then "A smile is still the shortest distance between two people" - and no other type of communication is really necessary.

A slice of strong Danish Dialect
"Der blæst' en vældig vind den daw ud' fra vest. (uha da da, uha da da da da) A var en smule vild, for a sku' til en fest. (uha da da) A kjo're o' mi' knallert - en Maxi, den var grøn. (uha da da) Mi' pung var fuld a peng' - a hå'd nemlig lig' få't løn.
A hå'd en pur's med øl o' æ' styr. (uha da da) Ja, uha, som a holdt' we' - der var manne, de var dyre. (uha da da.) A hå'd været niere og kywe en deodorant og en kondom - hvis nu a sku' være heldig.

Popular lyrics written and sung by “The Nattergale” (The Nightingales)

English is Obligatory
English is compulsory from first grade at all Schools in Denmark.

Even local dialects and street lingo flourish in the city
Even tough Denmark is small in size - with a population around 5,6 million speaking Danish - some Danes find it difficult to understand each others native mother tongue - which is surprisingly quite different from the one end of this little kingdom to the other - allowing the distinct rural and
provincial dialects to flourish during the centuries - and merged it with the Copenhagen dialects and street lingo that has made the Danish language very rich and varied - but also inexpressible for tourists and foreigners.
Many Danish Dialects in Copenhagen
Copenhageners Celebrate Anything & Everything
Only 5,6 million people in the world speak Danish - and some Danes find it difficult to understand each others mother tongue - as there are many rural or provincial dialects especially in the Copenhagen area - which is mixed with Copenhagen dialects.
Danes and Copenhageners will seldom miss any opportunity to celebrate anything or everything - especially birthdays - wedding anniversaries etc. - and to enjoy the very bright side of life such as family events - or other festive occasions.
Copenhagen Culture & Culturally Vibrant Metropolis

Copenhagen Culture & High Standard of Living
Copenhagen Culture originates from the solid Danish Culture - which variates from region to region with different cultural traditions and local customs. Besides of having a high working moral - coexisting mentality plus an urbane food and drinking tradition - Copenhageners after working hours and during leisure time often enjoy their hundreds of slow food eating places - as well as gourmet dining and Michelin-starred restaurants in Copenhagen based on exiting culinary menus and Danish specialties - plus local food dishes - exotic food specialities and Nordic cuisine recipes. Likewise all other Danes - they just love their beers - red and white drops plus snaps - "Akvavit - national firewater" - as well as having a quite cultivated drinking culture with all the many bars - pubs - wine taverns and local microbreweries spread all over the cityscape. The Copenhageners are gifted by having a very relaxed relation to their Christian upbringing - and connection to their Stately and National Evangelical Lutheran and Protestant Church (Den Danske Folkekirke) or (Statskirke) - which gives them lot of space for social responsibility - educational development - and leisure activities in their hectic city life - which is surrounded by a high standard of living environment that is filled with magnificent attractiveness and dazzling appeal throughout the urban areas of Copenhagen and the Culturally Vibrant Metropolis of Denmark.

Celebrating Christian Events & Holydays
Bars - pubs & wine taverns all around Copenhagen
Copenhageners have a relaxed relation to their Christian upbringing - and very few percent occupy their church pews on Sundays as church-goers - except for family occasions - where the Copenhageners are highly represented at Christenings - Confirmations - Weddings - or at other Christian events or holy holidays like Christmas and Easter.
The Copenhageners just love their beers - red and white drops plus snaps - as well as having a quite cultivated drinking culture with all the bars - pubs - wine taverns and local microbreweries spread all over the city - which the Copenhageners enjoy after working hours and during leisure time.
Cultural Background & Christian Traditions
Denmark is one of the few nations in the world that have a State Church and a State Religion - and a vast majority of all ethnic Copenhageners and Danes are members of the Evangelical Lutheran and Protestant Church of Denmark - but a very few percent occupy their church pews on Sundays as church-goers - except for family occasions - where the Copenhageners are highly represented at Christenings - Confirmations - Weddings - or at other Christian events - as well as celebrating holy holidays like Christmas - Easter and Pentecost. The Copenhageners and rest of the Danes are very faithful to their Christian religion - and participate heavily in the celebration of all the numerous Christian holydays related to their precious Protestant inheritance - as well as having great appreciation and respect for their thousand year old cultural background. That’s also a part of the rich Danish Cultural Heritage and History. There are almost 100 Evangelical-Lutheran Churches located in and around Copenhagen - and some with quite a prestigious and royal background - and some built in the early 1200s - and several still in function from that time - and hedged with many centuries of splendid Danish Church history.

The Danish National Church (Folkekirken - The Peoples Church)
We receive numerous inquiries about the Danish State Church and the Danes State Religion - and provide a link - as an explainer - to the Web-Site for The Danish National Church. (Folkekirken - The Peoples Church)
See: Folkekirken (English)

Harald "Bluetooth" Christened the Danes - 964 A.C.
Danish Evangelical Lutheran State Churches all over Denmark
It was King Harald Bluetooth - King of Denmark and Norway 958 – 985 - that fortunately made all Danes Christian in 964 A.C. The portrait of King Harald "Bluetooth" decorates the solid red brick wall behind the High Altar inside Roskilde Cathedral - where the legendary Danish King also formally has his final resting place.
More than 2800 city - urban and rural Evangelical Lutheran State Churches have been built and spread all over the Danish countryside - for millions of Christian churchgoers - which also is a strong part of the Danish Cultural Heritage. Some Danish Churches are from the 10th Century and still in function.
Church Bells Chiming all day long
Living in a Protestant country and metropolis with thousands of Stately Evangelical Lutheran Churches spread all over Denmark - visitors and tourist will during the day and evening - constantly hear church bells chime for a variety of ceremonial Christian traditions and glorious Holy Occasions. Church Bells have been ringing all over the Danish Kingdom for over a thousand years - as a vital part of the Danes Christian Culture and Heritage.

See: Copenhagen Churches

See: The Jelling Stones

See: Public Holidays & Christian Holy Days
Other Religious Denominations in Denmark and Copenhagen
Numerous Churches and Places of Worship belonging to other religious denominations than Evangelical-Lutheran are located around Denmark - Copenhagen and in other major Danish cities.
See: Religion
A Green City with Countless Recreational Areas & Romantic Church Weddings
Copenhagen is an incredibly Green City with countless Green Spaces and Oases - Public Parks - Recreational Areas - Breathing Holes and Beautiful Lakes - which have been well preserved during centuries - where locals and visitors spend numerous hours all year round. It is quite popular to get Married in Copenhagen - as 60% of all Copenhageners select a romantic Church Wedding and attend the Christian Ceremony - which is a part of the Danish Heritage and Culture.
Romantic Church Weddings
Green Oases and Breathing Holes
It is quite popular to get married in Copenhagen - and use the traditional wedding horse drawn carriage for the bridal event - as 60% of all Copenhageners select a romantic church wedding and attend the Christian ceremony - where the bride and groom receive the holy blessing and give their faithful vows to each other.
There are countless recreational areas in and around Copenhagen for leisure activities - and most public parks and community gardens are painstakingly landscaped during centuries and well preserved - where locals and visitors spend numerous hours all year round in these green oases and breath holes of the city.
Absalon - The Founder of Copenhagen
The Statue of Absalon at Højbro Plads
The statue of Archbishop Absalon was erected on Højbro Plads in 1902 - and facing the Danish Parliament.
Absalon & Copenhagen...

Visit the Statue of Absalon at Højbro Plads
The statue of Archbishop Absalon was erected on Højbro Plads in 1902 - and symbolically the monument faces Christiansborg Castle - and The Danish Parliament - where Bishop Absalon (1128-1201) - built his castle on the little island called “Slotsholmen” near the city harbour around 1167. Here he also founded the city of Copenhagen (København) on the east coast of Zealand. The task to build a castle - was to protect trade on the Sound (Øresund) - was given to him by King Valdemar I. (Great) - (1131-1182 - ruled 1158-1182)

Read more: Absalon -

For All Genuine Dog Lovers
Copenhagen - A Dog friendly City
Copenhagen - A very Dog friendly City... much is that doggie in the window - the one with the waggley tail!

The are over 150,000 dogs in Copenhagen
The Danes just love their dogs - and there are over 600,000 dogs registered in Denmark - and about 150,000 in Copenhagen and neighbouring areas - and many families have two dogs in their household. So the thousands of happy dog owners are quite satisfied living in a dog friendly city like Copenhagen. The most popular dog in Denmark is the Labrador Retriever - then the German Shepherd Dog and third the Golden Retriever. Approximately ½ million households in Denmark own a dog - and more than 120,000 households have both dogs and cats. The Danes just love their dogs - which has been a household pet for generations. In Denmark the dog has throughout history been used for hunting - tracking - rescuing - guarding etc. - as well as a service dog for the blind and disabled - a police and narco dog - or just a friend and passionate companion.

Travelling to Denmark with pets...

See: Dog friendly City

The most popular Dog in Denmark
Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog in Denmark and Copenhagen. The Retriever is very loving - kind and compassionate to their master - and Danes just love their dogs.
Cycling - Driving
Cycling and Driving in Copenhagen & Denmark
"Cycling is a life style in Denmark"
Cycling and Outdoor Fun
"Considerate & Respectful Cycle Culture"
Explore Copenhagen on a cycle
Due to fair and good weather conditions in the city from springtime - summer to autumn - and for outdoor fun in Copenhagen - we invite everyone to lend a cycle at your hotel and logging site - or pay for electric bicycle - or hire a bike at selected cycles shops - and explore Copenhagen - with all the historical places and cultural venues - together with all the amusing spots the biggest city of Scandinavia can offer.
See: Cycling & Driving
Safe cycle tracks
Copenhagen is geared for different types of cycles that can use over 350 km of safe cycle tracks in and around the city - that can lead you out to the wide coastal areas of Copenhagen.
Cultural Venues & Events
Cultural Venues & Events in Copenhagen
No costly & tiresome plastic cards required!
FREE - FREE - FREE - COPENHAGEN - and no costly & tiresome plastic cards required!

Explore Copenhagen Free: Activities - Attractions - Venues
- Festivals - Events etc.
Copenhagen have many free experiences to explore that don't cost one Kroner (DKK) and Copenhageners wishes to share all of the free offers together with tourists and visitors.
Museums - Art Galleries
Free entry on Wednesdays - Fridays and Sundays
Tourists and visitors can use more than 10-14 days to visit and exploit all the 16 national museums and art galleries in and around Copenhagen with free admission on Wednesdays - Fridays and Sundays. These national venues are a gem and paradise for tourists – visitors and foreigners – who want to learn more about Danish history – culture and heritage.
The Black Diamond - The Royal Library etc.
Use the Libraries as your info center - where you can use the internet - read you newspaper - find travel books and literature etc. The Royal Library owns over 1.6 million books and literature materials.
Parks - Gardens and Leisure Areas
Frederiksberg Garden - The Kings Garden (Rosenborg Castle) - Botanical Garden - The Old Citadel - Copenhagen Lakes etc.
Most public parks and gardens in Copenhagen are old beautifully landscape gardens from the 17th and 18th century and are green oases for Copenhageners. The many green areas in and around the city are popular venues with playgrounds – lakes – sports and picnic facilities where locals spend many hours all year round for walking – running - sunbathing and other recreational activities.
Changing of the Guards Amalienborg Palace - Royal Residence
One can Follow the Royal Guards from Rosenborg Castle to Amalienborg Palace and back again through the city
or vice-versa.
Historical Churches and Cemeteries
Copenhagen is Packed with historical Churches and Cemeteries
Many historical Churches are placed in and around Copenhagen - with St. Petri Church as the oldest from the mid-15th century. The Cemeteries in Copenhagen are quite an attraction that is different and remarkable to other resting places and burial plots in the world. Here one can find plentiful of history and culture that are attached to the citizens of Copenhagen. Take a memorial walk through a Copenhagen cemetery and experience the grave sites with its significant architectural design and special landscape features.
Worlds longest Shopping Street "Strøget"
Go window shopping on the worlds longest shopping street
Walk from the one end of the walking street - The Kings Square (Kongens Nytorv) - right to the Zoo Gardens at Valby which is a 5 km walk or take one of the free bicycles in Copenhagen and spend a day window shopping.
Harbour bath and Beaches
Free access to the popular Harbour Bath and Sandy Beaches
The harbour baths and the many sandy beaches on Copenhagen coast line are very popular and trendy sites for Copenhageners and a great places for tourists and visitors to spend a day and relax by cooling of in the fresh and crystals clear waters of the Sound and the Harbour.
Town Hall - Copenhagen
Town Hall - Copenhagen - Free admission to the Town Hall all year
Visit the Town Hall of Copenhagen from 1905 - situated on The City Hall Square (Rådhuspladsen) and experience Danish architecture from around 1900 and the grand city hall as well as the beautiful city hall gardens at the back of the Town Hall.
The Danish Parliament
Visit the Danish Parliament - "Folketing" - at Christiansborg Castle
Everyone can visit the Danish Parliament called “Folketinget” and experience the meetings at Christiansborg Castle just in the centre of the Danish democracy. The entrance is free and the Parliament is visited every year by nearly 100,000 people – Danes as well as foreigners – who are among 1.200 persons working here.
Yearly and traditional Festivals and Events
Visit the free yearly and traditional Festivals and Events
Jazz Festival - Blues Festival - Cultural Harbour Festival - Night of Culture Festival – Copenhagen Carnival - Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix - Copenhagen Summer Dance - Hubertus Hunt - Copenhagen Opera Festival
Tourist Attractions
Photo session
Visit the top attractions and historical venues in Copenhagen
The Little Mermaid - Gefion Fountain - Amalienborg Palace - Rosenborg Palace - Marble Church - Round Tower - Amalie Garden - The Opera and much more - see Interactive Map
See: Copenhagen Star Attractions & Historical Sites    
Nostalgic & Vintage Tourism Posters Promoting Copenhagen Culture.
Free Cultural & Seasonal Events in Copenhagen
No costly & tiresome plastic cards required!

Free Seasonal Events in Copenhagen - See Event Calendar
Come and join in with the Copenhageners.
Celebrate the King's Birthday Every year The King is celebrated by Copenhageners and tourists at Amalienborg Palace  
1st May - Fælledparken 1st May is the International Workers' Day celebrated all over the world and in Copenhagen too  
Copenhagen Marathon The annual 14 km Copenhagen Marathon - where everyone can join in and run around the city  
Whitsun Carnival The Carnival of Copenhagen is a major event of the year every Whitsun with many spectators  
Summer Dance - Fælledparken Join the Copenhagener and dance with them or receive dance lesson in all types of dances  
Saint Hans Eve Danish tradition of celebrating the Midsummer with bonfires and speeches all over the country  
Copenhagen Jazz Festival The famous and traditional Jazz Festival is spread all around Copenhagen at various venues  
Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix The annual historic race with classic cars and old timers in the streets of Copenhagen  
Cultural Harbour Festival The yearly Cultural Harbour festival in Copenhagen - where everyone can participate  
Copenhagen Opera Festival Venues all around Copenhagen - a must for any opera lover  
Cup Denmark Denmark Soccer Festival with more than 170 soccer teams from countries all over the world  
Baltic Sail Regatta with old sail ships at Elsinore - Helsingør  
Open Air Opera Open air opera with at Rosenborg Castle in the centre of Copenhagen. Royal Danish Opera invites  
Little Mermaid - Celebration Every year on the 23 August, the Little Mermaid’s birthday is celebrated by young mermaids  
Swimming the Canals Everyone can participate in this swimming competition round the 2 km canals of Christiansborg  
Copenhagen Blues Festival More than 50 blues-concerts all over Copenhagen  
The Night of Culture Explore Copenhagen and all its cultural venues and events after dark  
Hubertus Hunt - Deer Park The annually Hubertus Hunt (Fox Hunt) takes place at ”Dyrehaven” The Deer Park  
Skating Rink - Kongens Nytorv Skate free on ice at the traditional skating rink at Kongens Nytorv in the winter season  
Christmas Tree - City Town Hall Traditional lightning of the big Christmas Tree at the Town Hall Square  
See: Event Calendar
Tourist in Copenhagen - København
Sightseeing Attractions - Historical Places and Cultural Venues in Copenhagen
Copenhagen is a beautiful and exhilarating metropolis filled with more than thousand years of rich and exciting history - interesting attractions plus an explosion of edifying landmarks and cultural venues - as well as many sightseeing sites - which are world famous and visited by millions of tourists every year - and all year round. Copenhagen offers loads of great exploration opportunities with plentiful of ultimate and fascinating travel experiences all around the city and beyond greater Copenhagen.
Harbour Bathing - Copenhagen
Open Air Museums are Historic & Cultural Venues
Visit the harbour baths and take a free cool fresh swim in crystal clear water right in the middle of town. Copenhagen is one of the few cities in the world that offers such bathing facilities.
There are plenty of Open Air Museums in and beyond Copenhagen - where tourist can soak up the Danes more than thousand years of History - and experience the Danish Cultural Heritage.
See: Harbour Bathing - Beaches & Bathing
See: Open Air Museums 
Danish Food Culture and "Smørrebrød" - Open Danish Sandwiches
Open Danish Sandwiches
The traditional Danish "Smørrebrød" - Open Danish Sandwiches with many different portions of food items on buttered rye bread.
Food Culture - Red Sausages and "Smørrebrød"
The food culture in Copenhagen follows primarily the Danish food culture that has been cultivated and improved for many generations and centuries. Preparing and eating food is based on cooking practice from the old country kitchen and the cold weather conditions in Denmark. In Copenhagen there is a variety of ways making food in the home kitchen - where life is experienced faster then out in the countryside and where food consumption is depended on the shifting temperatures and seasons in the city. The traditional Danish "Smørrebrød" - Open Danish Sandwiches with many different portions of food items as cold cuts - pieces of meat or fish - various paste - salad dressings and cheese on buttered rye bread - decorated with all types of toppings that gives the creation a great visual appeal - and is surely a piece of genuine art - when presented on a well laid table with cold Danish beer and snaps. Open Danish Sandwiches is still a appetising and popular treat at school - work - lunchtime and picnics.
Copenhageners typically drink Beer - "Snaps" (Akvavit) - Alcoholic Beverages - various Soft Drinks or Milky Drinks - and fresh tap water with their food. At supper time a good quality wine is often preferred together with the dinner. The quickest "fast food" in the city is eaten at the many sausage stands - "pølsevogne" - where it’s a must and a great tradition that Copenhageners enjoy their “red pork sausages” (røde pølser) with bread and additional supplements. The present Danish food culture is still very traditional and conservative - and is nevertheless based on deep-rooted recipes from the past - in spite of influence from foreign countries and cultures. And Copenhagen is the frontrunner of culinary trends and tastes - with several awarded high class restaurants and exquisite eating places.

See: Open Danish Sandwiches
The National Pork Dish - Frikadelle
Red Sausages - National Fast Food - Røde Pølser
The juicy and tasty pork based "Frikadelle" with brown sauce and red cabbage is the prime national dish in Denmark - and also the favorite choice in the kitchen of Copenhageners - plus prepared and served all over the Danish Kingdom in different variations.
The "Red Sausage" is a must plus a great tradition to eat at outdoor sausage stands or during any parties or festivities for any Copenhagener. The Red Sausage “røde pølser” served in different fast food variants is a great national treat and has been it for generations.
See: Danish Food Culture
See: Red Danish Sausages
Come to Copenhagen
Meet the Ambassadors & main Tourist Attraction!
Meet the Ambassadors & genuine Tourist Attraction
Come to Copenhagen and experience the Copenhageners - who are the born and true Ambassadors plus the prime tourist attraction of the city. When you are facing a genuine Copenhagener - you’ll have probably met a Jensen - Nielsen - Hansen - Pedersen or Andersen - which is the most common surnames in Copenhagen. Perhaps the Copenhagener you contact - is a direct descendant of a legendary Viking worrier - or a lineal royalty from the medieval period - but you can be certain that the Copenhagener you address - has a world record in paying heavy taxes - and are world champions in receiving the highest gross earnings - plus among the few inhabitants in this world that speak Danish - and owns a bicycle or two -
and rides happily around in one of the most admirable and exemplary Welfare States in the World. These are a few of many other characters that are glued to Copenhageners with their natural position of being the real tourist attraction that - first and foremost - replaces and outdistances historical red bricks and landmarks - as well as primeval monuments and statues - as the citizens are the greatest assets that Copenhagen has. That's what makes Copenhagen so cool for visitors - tourists and especially for Copenhageners.

See: Visitors Lounge -
Copenhagen Cycle Culture - Happy Danes
360 km with Safe and Protected Cycle Tracks
Nearly every Copenhagener owns a bicycle or two - and they just love to commute on their cycles to work - to school - to do their shoping - or to other different leisure activities - as Copenhagen offers over 360 km of safe and protected cycle tracks in and around the city.
Copenhagen Ambassadors
Copenhageners are the born Ambassadors - and the prime tourist attraction of the city - and they will convince any visitor that they are the happiest people living on this planet - together with their fellow Danish countrymen - enjoying more than thousand years of the special Copenhagen Culture.
Freedom Loving Copenhageners & Copenhagen Culture
Freedom loving Copenhageners
Two happy Copenhageners flying high to welcome tourists and visitors at one of the many beach resorts placed around the beautiful coastlines that surround Copenhagen - and feel themselves very fortunate if foreigners select to visit their town for any occasion.

Freedom loving Copenhageners
The freedom loving Copenhageners feel themselves very fortunate if foreigners select to visit their town - as the citizens are very proud of their capital and will helpfully guide tourist and visitors around their city. They will also try to convince any one that Copenhageners are the happiest people living on this planet - and humbly claim that "My Town Is My Castle". Most Copenhageners are quite talkative - and speak English. And many Copenhagen residents speak German - French and Spanish. Take a tour throughout - and find much more relevant and interesting information about Copenhagen - Copenhagen Citizens - and more than thousand years of special Copenhagen Culture and History.

Test the Copenhageners Happiness
When you visit Copenhagen - you are welcome to speak to some Copenhageners - and ask if they actually are the happiest people in the world - as awarded by numerous surveys and reviews during time - and also if they are living in the happiest place on earth - like some studies claim - and we presume the answer will be quite positive. Just try!

Welcome to Copenhagen!
Most sincerely,
Advisory Board & NewsLetter Team

George B. Moller
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