Birth Certificate of Denmark - and Christianity
When visiting Jelling and the two Runic
Stones placed beside Jelling Church
from 1050 A.C. - and the two Royal
Burial Mounds of the first monarchs of Denmark -
King Gorm the Old and Queen Thyra
Danebod - then one is right in the centre
of more than thousand years of Danish history. The
big Jelling Stone - was erected by King
Harald Bluetooth in 964 A.C.
- to honour his parents King Gorm
the Old and Queen Thyra
Danebod - and is a National Monument
together with the little runic stone raised by King
Gorm in remembrance of his wife Queen Thyra
Danebod in 954. The biggest runic
stone is called “The Birth Certificate
of Denmark” - and the two runic stones
at Jelling - as well as the to royal burial mounds
symbolizes the foundation of the Danish
nation - and the first sign that the Danes
being converted to Christianity around
year 964 A.C..
The Jelling Stones
The two Jelling stones are placed
in the churchyard of Jelling Church between
the two large entombment mounds called the northern
hill and southern hill - where King Gorm
the Old and his Queen Thyra
Danebod was buried in the past.
King Harald Bluetooth
King Harald Bluetooth erected the big Jelling
Stone and Royal Monument in 964
A.C. - as a national monument over his parents King
Gorm the Old and Queen Thyra
Danebod - with the inscription
that praises himself for making all Danes
Christian with the following runic dedication:
"King Haraldr ordered this monument made in
memory of Gormr - his father, and in memory of Thyrvé
- his mother; that Haraldr who won for himself all
of Denmark and Norway and made the Danes Christian".
Initials of King Harald Bluetooth in Danish
King Harald Bluetooth's Initials
in Danish Runes - is the rune letters “H”
and “B” for Harald Bluetooth (Harald
Blåtand - in Danish).
King Harald Bluetooth's initials “H”
and “B” in Danish runes are used
worldwide as a mixed combination for the symbol
of the Bluetooth Technology.