with Kale stew and caramelised potatoes
Slightly smoked ham
Place the ham in a frying bag for the oven
- or wrap it in a large piece of foil for cooking.
Roast in oven at 200 degrees C for approx. 2
hours - or boil it for 1 hour.
Kale is often called "borecole"
- and in America collards are sometimes called
Kale recipe
- from Lolland - an isle in
the southern part of Denmark.
Rinse kale well in large bowl of warm water
- place in colander - then drain. Discard any
discoloured leaves. To trim away tough stem
ends - make "V-shaped" cut at stem
end - discard tough stems.
Slice the rolled leaves crosswise into ½
inch thick slices with a sharp knife - then
separate the kale into strips and small pieces.
50 gram of butter is melted and stirred together
in a big pot with the flour into a consistent
layer - then ad the kale and heat it up with
some water. Stir regularly - and ad the whipping
cream - more butter - sugar - salt and pepper.
Boil for 10-15 minutes until the kale stew has
reached a solid consistency - and to your taste.
potatoes (brunede kartofler)
Boil the potatoes in their skins
for 15-20 minutes or until cooked. When cool
enough to handle - peel off the skins with
a small knife.
Heat the sugar in a frying pan over a medium-low
heat for 2-3 minutes - then add the butter.
When it starts foaming - add the potatoes
and turn to coat in the mixture.
Cook for a further 4-5 minutes until nicely
golden and browned - then serve.
with all the pork supplements
Serve the "grønlangkål"
- kale stew - with cooked smoke ham - cooked
pork sausages and pork on the bone together
with the cold head cheese or brawn.
Marinated beetroot - pickled gherkins -
strong mustard and warm rustic rye bread.
Kale stew with cooked ham "Grønlangkål
med skinke" is a must and a tradition
to serve at Christmas in Denmark.
- Kale stew
You can also buy various ready-made "Grønlangkål"
- in
supermarkets and grocery stores.