Inbound Travel Service - Copenhagen & Denmark

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Outbound Tours & Services
Roundtrip - Denmark & Scandinavia
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Copenhagen - Travel Agent & Tour Operator - Denmark
The Cheshire Cat to Alice in Wonderland - written by Lewis Carrol in 1865 - "If you don't know where to go - it doesn't matter which way you take." Columbus set sails in 1492 - and ended up at a wrong destination. Unfortunately this mistake was a great bonus for us travellers. "Hey Mon - he found the beautiful azure blue Caribbean!"
George B. Moller
Outbound Tours & Services

Outbound tours to neighbouring Scandinavian destinations and beyound
Our Inbound Travel Service team also offers customized outbound travel services to neighbouring and international destinations outside of Copenhagen and Denmark. We arrange tours from Copenhagen with luxury busses to Sweden - Germany and Poland - as well as a cross country roundtrip to Scandinavian Countries through Denmark - Norway - Sweden and Finland - or vice versa.

See cruise map

Denmark - Sweden
The exclusive & customized sightseeing tour & day trip to Sweden
The sightseeing tour can start from Copenhagen and drive through the scenic coast up north to Elsinore and Kronborg Castle - after passing via the most fashionable residential areas in Denmark. At Elsinore - the ferry will take you over the Oresund Strait to Helsingborg - Sweden within 20 min. - and then follow the Swedish cost to the former royal summer residence Sofiero Palace and Garden from 1864 - built by Crown Prince Oscar and his wife Sophia. Later the Swedish King Gustaf VI Adolf spent considerable time and effort in cultivating his interest for Rhododendrons - and his collection of various rhododendrons with spectacular flowers has given the palaces horticultural areas and landscape architecture such a famous status beyond the borders of Sweden. Sofiero Palace is open to the public from mid April to mid September. There will be plenty of time to see the interior of the royal summer residence and visit one of most magnificent gardens in Scandinavia. After lunch within the countryside of Skaane (Once a Danish province and lost in 1658) - the excursion will continue to Lund - founded in 990 and visit the landmark of the city - Lund Cathedral from 1085. The extended excursion will also take you to the city of Malmö - and then take you back to Copenhagen over and under the Oresund Strait using the newly built 16 km Oresound connection. The tour itinerary is customized - and can be conducted in reversed order. The entire tour is a full day trip - and will take about 7-8 hours. Passport required! This Outbound Tour to Sweden is planed individually and customized according to our customer’s requirements.

Half day sightseeing and shopping tour to Malmö - Sweden
The sightseeing and shopping tour to Sweden can start in Copenhagen and take you over the grand Oresound Bridge and Tunnel to the ancient city of Lund to visit its historical Cathedral from 1085. Afterwards the tour will continue to Malmö City for shopping - and a bit of sightseeing. From there the bus will return to Copenhagen. Passport required!

Denmark - Germany
Special sightseeing and shopping tour to Lübeck - Germany
The excursion will start early from Copenhagen and take the route to the southern Danish border after passing the isle of Sealand and then over the Farø Bridge to the isle of Falster and Lolland. At Rødbyhavn on Lolland we will take the one hour ferry trip to Puttgarden - Germany and continue trough northern Germany to the city of Lübeck founded in 1143 - which was for several centuries the "capital" of the Hanseatic League. At Lübeck there will be time for some sightseeing and shopping. Later the bus will drive trough beautiful Schleswig-Holstein and stop for lunch - and then return to Puttgarden. At Puttgarden there will be a short stopover to visit the tax free Border Shop and afterwards we will take the ferry to Denmark and drive back to Copenhagen. The entire tour is a customized day trip - and will take about 9-10 hours. Passport required! This Outbound Tour to Germany is planed individually and customized according to our customer’s requirements.
Denmark - Germany - Poland
Special 3-days sightseeing and shopping tour to Stettin - Poland via Germany
The tour bus will begin the excursion to Poland very early from Copenhagen and pass though picturesque Sealand and over to the isle of Falster via the Farø Bridge and then reach the southernmost town in Denmark - Gedser. The ferry terminal is located at the harbour area at Gedser where we will take the ferry to Rostock - Germany and then follow the motorway E55 over the Polish border to Stetting (Szczecin) - founded around 10-12 th century. We will stay for two nights at the 4-star Radisson Hotel with complementary breakfast buffet. On day 2 we will explore the historic city with its 430,000 inhabitants. There will be plenty of time to shop and eat in one of the many charming restaurants. On day 3 we will return back to Copenhagen via the same route to Stetting. Passport required! This Outbound Tour to Germany and Poland is planed individually and customized according to our customer’s requirements.

Denmark & Scandinavia - Roundtrip

Special 14 days roundtrip across Scandinavia
We arrange customised cross country roundtrips to Scandinavian countries trough Denmark - Norway - Sweden and Finland for 14 days - but the Scandinavian roundtrip can be extended if required. Briefly - the roundtrip programme can suggest a start in Copenhagen - then across Funen or Sealand to North Jutland - to either Frederikshavn or Hirtshals - and then boarder the ferry to either Bergen or Oslo. Then drive across the scenic landscape of Norway and cross the border to Sweden - and while driving across panoramic Sweden then set the course to enchanting Stockholm - and after a rest and some sightseeing - take the ferry from Stockholm to Åbo - situated in Finland. Since drive through captivating Finish countryside and reach fascinating Helsinki - then take the ferry back to Stockholm - and after driving through Sweden - visit shortly the rocky Isle of Bornholm - and finally end in Copenhagen. This roundtrip can also be done vice versa - as there are numerous possibilities to customise this tour in and around Scandinavia and all the attractive Nordic Countries
and the Nordic Welfare States. Just name it - and we can arrange it. This Scandinavian roundtrip offers 4**** accommodation with lux busser and all facilities inboard.

Denmark - Scandinavia

Cruise - Scandinavia - Baltic Sea - Europe - Mediterranean Sea - USA
Cruise offers and itinerary from and to Copenhagen
Cruise offers and itinerary from Copenhagen cover short trips to Norway and Sweden - as well as weekly routes that include Finland - Russia - Estonia - Latvia - Lithuania - Poland and Germany where mostly all cruise vessels have stopover ports in major capital cities during their voyages. Also cruises from Copenhagen to Europe - Mediterranean Sea and USA can be arranges by our Inbound Travel Service team.
See cruise map
Personal Guide Service
All excursions - tours or field trips - are conducted by our multilingual tourist and tour guides - that provides years of experience touring trough Copenhagen and Denmark plus other Scandinavian countries.
Special Transfers - Door-to-Door Transportation - and Personal Guided Tour Service
Our Bus Capacity covers the largest fleet in Denmark of Luxury Tour Coaches and Vehicles of various sizes..
Luxury ground transportation services
Copenhagen-Portal - Inbound Travel Service and our selected partners offers a vide range of luxury busses for excursions and tours that can match any type of bus charter service required. We can provide Conference busses - Double-deckers - VIP-busses - Executive coaches - Luxury minivans - Tour busses etc - and all of our transport vehicles and busses are equipped with all sorts of modern equipment - and approved according to the latest safety and environmental regulations.
Contact us!
Please contact us and tell us what you are seeking and how we can help - as we offer a wide range of tailor made and customized Inbound Travel Services. We will then study your feedback and estimated budget together with our inbound performance program and send you a proposal - as all requests are individually composed and organized.
Denmark Tours - in and around Denmark
Customised Roundtrip for Groups across Denmark
Copenhagen Tours - Greater Copenhagen Tours - Copenhagen & Sealand Tours
We can take you Here - There & Everywhere in and around Copenhagen & Denmark!
This Outbound Tours & Service Site will be frequently updated!
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