Eremitage Palace and Deer Park - Dyrehaven - Greater Copenhagen

*A Part of the Danish Cultural Heritage*





Eremitage Palace and Deer Park - Greater Copenhagen
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Eremitage Woodlands and Deer Park
The Danish Kings “Par Force” Hunting Grounds - Dyrehaven
Online & Onsite Sightseeing - Greater Copenhagen
Worth seeing 5-Star venue
A UNESCO World Heritage Site in Denmark
The Eremitage Hunting Lodge from 1734
The Eremitage Lodge is placed on the highest point of the Deer Park with a panoramic view to the Sound.

The Eremitage Hunting Lodge - Totally restored
The Eremitage Palace - or Eremitage Hunting Lodge - (Eremitageslottet) - and The Deer Park (Jægersborg Dyrehave) Dyrehaven - are naturally connected to Danish Kings hunting traditions - as well as their decorative hunting estates - which is surrounded by large hunting fields and pastures - and is a important a part of the Danish Cultural Heritage and royal history. The Eremitage Palace (Hunting Lodge) is situated 16 km north of the city centre of Copenhagen. The Eremitage Lodge
was totally restored entirely in 2013 - and it is possible to visit the Royal premises - and experience the new decorated and restored interior - between the months of July - and October.

Royal Hunting Parties and Banquets
The Eremitage Palace was built in Baroque style - as a Royal Hunting Lodge in 1734 - by King Christian VI (1699-1746 - ruled Denmark and Norway 1730-1746) - and as a setting for hosting Royal Banquets during the "Par Force" hunts in the vast and fertile Deer Park - Dyrehaven - that surrounds the Eremitage Palace. The palace is built in Baroque style - and placed on the highest point of the Eremitage plains and actually right in the centre of the lush Deer Park - with a splendid view over the green pastures of the park area - and over to the waters of Oresound to Sweden. The heavy decoration of the palace - consist of Greek mythological figures that are related with hunting activities and the woodlands of the Deer Park.

The Eremitage Palace from 1734
The Eremitage Palace was a popular hunting venue for all royalties and their families - and was used often for hunting banquets. Here the palace is shown printed on a copperplate from 1756.
King Frederik III
King Frederik III - founded the Deer Park in 1669 - with the aim to establish hunting grounds for the royal family. The park was opened to the public in 1736 - and became a very popular outing venue.
Former Military Exercise Grounds
The Eremitage Palace was never intended to be a Royal residence - and as from the very start the palace was only used by the royal family for hunting parties - and is most of all known for the annual Hubertus hunts. During the early 19th century the surrounding areas of the Deer Park was used as military exercise grounds - and mainly as luncheon facilities for the King and his military staff. When the Danes celebrated the Constitution of Denmark in 1854 - over 50,000 people were gathered in front of the palace to welcome the new Constitutional Act from 1849. The palace is normally not open to the public - but after the entire restoration in 2012 - the palace is opened to the public from July 1 - to - October 20 - and occasionally in connection with national arrangements.
The Royal "Hunting Lodge"
The Royal Hunting Lodge is decorated with many figures from Greek mythology - and related especially to hunting symbols. - plus the surrounding woodlands. The Royal "Hunting Lodge" was restored entirely in 2013.
Cycle Parts all over the Eremitage Plains
There are numerous recreation areas and shelter places located all around the Eremitage Plains - plus a network of cycle parts that guide visitors round about the woodlands.
The Deer Park and Royal Hunting Grounds
The Deer Park - Dyrehaven - at Jærgersborg was established by King Frederik III (1609-1670 - ruled Denmark and Norway 1648-1670) in 1669 - who decided to fence in the woodlands of “Bøgeskov” (Beech wood) and to drive all the wild deer’s from the surroundings areas into the newly created park - which he named the Deer Park. The park was mainly used as the royal hunting fields - and was the King’s private deer park until he died in 1670.

The Royal "Par Force" Hunting
The Danish Monarchs “Par Force” hunting - is a special hunting method - where the royal and noble hunters and their associates on horseback - and with help of trained dogs - would chase a deer until it was so exhausted that it simply had no breath to run any further. The dogs would then hold the stag long enough - until the most prominent member of the hunting party was ready to kill their hunting trophy - using either a long bayonet or a lance. The Plains of the Eremitage woodlands - were the perfect place to conduct this type of hunting. The Royal "Par Force" hunting was abolished around 1775.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site in Denmark
The Eremitage Plains and Oresound
From the Palace there is a splendid view over the great Eremitage Plains and over to the waters of Oresound and Sweden.
A world-class attraction - Dyrehaven
The Deer Park is a world-class attraction in vast woodland settings and broad forest paths among the many imposing century-old trees.
Opened for the Public in 1736
When King Frederik’s son - Christian V - became King (1646-1699 - ruled Denmark and Norway 1670-1699) - he had more ambitious plans for the Deer Park - and doubled the area of the hunting fields by moving the inhabitants and peasants to other locations outside of the existing Deer Park. The purpose of extending the park area was the hunting on horseback with special trained hounds - which was a very fashionable amusement for the Royal nobilities. The Deer Park and Eremitage Plains was opened to the public in 1736 - during the reign of King Christian VI (1699-1746 - ruled Denmark and Norway 1730-1746) - and has since been a very popular outing and recreation area for Copenhageners - and the surrounding residents.
The Red Deer's - Deer Park - Dyrehaven
The Deer Park has more than 2100 herds of deer's that grass on the Eremitage Plains. The Red Deer has a flock of over 300 herds and was imported in 1737 from the Middle East.
The Sika Deer’s - Deer Park - Dyrehaven
There are almost 1000 Sika Deer’s in the Deer Park and these beautiful whitish dotted animals are the smallest of all the deer’s in the park. The breed was imported from Japan in 1923.
Almost 2100 deer's in Marvellous Woodland
During the past 300 years the amount of deer’s in the Deer Park has raised to almost 2100 with a stock of 300 Red Deer - 1700 Fallow Deer - and about 100 Sika Deer. In the springtime almost 700 fawns are born and to keep the flock of herds at a reasonable stage it is essential to shoot 700-800 animals during the winter season. The deer’s are fed during the winter period - and the rest of the season they are fed naturally by the forage in the park and forest. The Deer Park - Dyrehaven - is considered to be a world-class attraction with a rich bird life and animal sanctuary - and is also the most popular forest and park in Denmark with its seasonal shifting charm of the landscape. One can also take a ride in a horse carriage around the park and experience the marvellous woodland settings and vegetation - while moving along the broad forest paths and among the many imposing century-old trees.
The spacious landscape & woodlands
One can take a ride in a horse carriage around the Deer Park and experience the wonderful spacious landscape and hundreds of old shrubs and trees.
The Leisure and Picnic areas
The Deer Park is a very popular place for family gatherings and picnics - and over 2 million people visits this charming outing venue every year.
Hubertus Hunt and "Par Force" Hunting
Every year the Eremitage Plain and Deer Park is the “green oasis” for the annual and traditional Hubertus Hunt - and since the first hunt with hounds in 1905 - was conducted. The Hubertus Hunt is actually a continuance of the former "Par Force" Hunting of real foxes in by gone times. The traditional Hubertus Hunt is a race on horses to pursue a fox - but today it is only a fox's tail pinned to the shoulder of the leading rider that the red uniformed hunters have to chase - and the race on horses with riders in red jackets involves a lot of jumps and leaps. The biggest challenge is crossing the waters of the “Magasindammen” - The Magasin-Pond - where most of the cheering audiences are gathered to experience some of the riders being thrown into the muddy waters of the pound. The Hubertus Hunt is a great attraction every first Sunday of November - where more than 100 horses - and riders participate in this event that is surrounded by almost 40.000-50.000 enthusiastic spectators every year.
The yearly Hubertus Hunt
The traditional Hubertus Hunt takes place every year at the Deer Park and has been a great attraction for thousands of spectators since 1905. The Hubertus Hunt is to honour the Christian Saint - Hubertus - who is the patron saint of hunters.
The yearly Eremitage Run
Since 1969 - the Eremitage Run is a yearly event for runners that follow a 13.3 km route formed as a figure 8 around the picturesque Eremitage Plains and beautiful woodlands. The max level of runners are 25,000 and around 70,000 spectators are watching and cheering.
The Eremitage Run
The Er
emitage Run is a very popular yearly sports event for runners - and was run for the first time in 1969. The runners run a route that is formed as a figure 8 trough the entire Eremitage Plain - and the length of the track is 13.3 km. The Eremitage Run is performed every first or second Sunday in October and there is a max level for the amount of participants - which is 25,000 runners to prevent traffic jams - and consideration to the animal life in the Deer Park. There are about 60,000 to 70,000 spectators watching the Eremitage Run every year.
A UNESCO World Heritage Site in Denmark
The Hermitage Palace and unique "Par Force" hunting landscape around the Eremitage forest and woodlands was placed on the prestigious list of UNESCO World Heritage sites in July 2015.
The Eremitage Palace and associated Deer Park - Dyrehaven - is situated 16 km north of the city centre of Copenhagen - and has 5 main gates to enter the plains and Hunting Lodge built after Baroque principles in 1734.

Eremitage Palace and Deer Park
Jægersborg Deer Park is administered by
Skov- og Naturstyrelsen - Hovedstaden

The Deer Park is open 24 hours a day all year round

Eremitage Palace and Deer Park
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