The Old Stock Exchange - Copenhagen - Børsen

*A Part of the Danish Cultural Heritage*
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The Old Stock Exchange - Copenhagen
A Five Star Event & Conference Venue
Rent The Old Stock Exchange - Børsen - With Five Star Congress & Banquet Facilities
The impressive Old Stock Exchange from 1619-1640 - built in Dutch Renaissance style.
Old Stock Exchange (Børsen)
One of the oldest buildings in Copenhagen is the Old Stock Exchange - situated on the island of Slotsholmen and built by King Christian IV (1577-1648 - ruled Denmark and Norway 1588-1648) between 1619-1624. The King was called the great builder and architect of Copenhagen - and had the ambitions to turn Copenhagen into a financial and trade centre by creating this magnificent building that housed the Danish Stock-Market until 1974. Since - the Danish Stock-Market has moved to more modern and suitable facilities.

The "Dragon-Spire"
on the prestigious
Old Stock building
is still an architectural
pearl among other historical building in Copenhagen

The "Dragon-Spire"
The tower on the Stock Exchange with the famous "Dragon-spire" counting four dragons with their tails twisting towards the top and ending in a spear with three crowns representing the Kalmar Union of the three Nordic countries - Sweden - Norway and Denmark.
The Slotsholm Isle
Painting from 1698 of the Slotsholm Isle - with the former Copenhagen Castle portrayed and the Old Stock Exchange building located behind the castle. When Copenhagen Castle was demolished 1731 - the first Christiansborg Castle was built on the same spot.
Fascinating Landmark in 1640
The Old Stock Exchange (Børsen) is built on the gravel filled embankment and dam to Christianshavn - where the foundations were laid on wood piles, which is still supporting the existing construction from that time. The impressive building was placed by King Christian IV right at the entrance to Copenhagen - as a prestigious landmark to mark the growth and wealth of the city and to impress Danish - as well as foreign merchants that arrived from the sea side to enter Copenhagen. The building had a quay on both sides for easy and direct access to the market with goods and other merchandise from the shipside of the many merchants ships and vessels.
Marketplace - small shops and sales outlets
The Stock Exchange in 1842 - with a quay on both sides for easy and direct access of merchandise from the shipside to the marketplace - and the 40-50 small in-house sales outlets.
Prime landmark of Copenhagen
The Old Stock Exchange was a prime landmark of Copenhagen - when the building was completed in 1624 - and was situated so foreign merchants could arrive from the sea side to enter Copenhagen.

The Old Stock Exchange was a busy
marketplace and the prime landmark
of the city during
the reign of
King Christian IV
Marketplace and spire in Dutch Renaissance Architecture
The Stock building was designed in the Dutch Renaissance style with its prominent spire of Four Dragons with their tails twisting towards the top and ending in a spear with three crowns representing The Kalmar Union between Denmark - Norway and Sweden - symbolizing the close relationship among the three Nordic countries - and later known as Scandinavia. The tower and spire is almost 60 meters high and the entire building has survived all of the great fires that have ravaged Copenhagen up to date.


Former marketplace
for sailing merchants selling corn and all
types of merchandise

The market-place for sailing merchants
The exchange hall in 1858 - was once the market-place for sailing merchants with deliveries to the small shops selling corn - foodstufs and other types of merchandise.
Banquet and Conference facilities
The present exchange hall - where some of the daily stock listing took place until 1974 - is used today as a Banquet - Conference and Reception venue with unique event facilities.
Shopping Center in Dutch Renaissance style
After the completion of the Stock building in 1624 - the great hall inside was filled up with 40-50 small shops and booths - which was rented by striving merchants selling everything from corn to all types of merchandise - and on the entrance the King wrote in brief - that he had "created a marketplace for the profitable use of buyers and sellers" - actually as a kind of nowadays shopping centre.
Stock bidding in 1936
Stock bidding and listing in 1936 - was carried out only by men at the Old Stock Exchange. The Danish Stock Market and trading ended in 1974 - and was moved to more convient locations.
Foundations of wooden piles from 1619
The Old Stock building is still resting on the original foundations of wooden oack piles from 1619 - and the property has survived all the great fires that razed in Copenhagen during the past.


Stock bidding until 1974 - and foundations of wooden piles from 1619 - plus a historical property that has survived
all the great fires that razed in Copenhagen during the past

King Christian IV - mortgaged The Old Stock Exchange
After several wars and in deep debt - the architect and builder of The Old Stock Exchange - King Christian IV - mortgaged the complete building in 1647 to wealthy Danish merchant and mayor of Christianshavn Jacob Madsen. Later King Christian IV’s son - King Frederik III (1609 - 1670 - ruled Denmark and Norway 1648-1670) purchased the property back to the Royal Family. In 1857 - King Frederik VII (1808 - 1863 - ruled Denmark 1848-1863) sold the entire Stock estate to the Merchants' Guild and according to the deed between the two parties - The Old Stock Exchange (Børsen) became the first preserved building in Denmark. In 1987 - the Merchants' Guild turned into the Danish Chamber of Commerce - and is still the firm owner of the Old Stock Exchange.
P.S. Krøyer
Self portrait of artist and painter P.S. Krøyer from 1897.
Top Image - ”From the Bourse of Copenhagen”
The top image - is a painting from 1895 - by one of the legendary Golden Age Masters Norwegian-Danish P.S. Krøyer - who called his portray of the Bourse assembly at the Old Stock Exchange for ”From the Bourse of Copenhagen”. The painting is painted with oil on canvas - and this particular artwork of P.S. Krøyer is on display in the present Old Stock Exchange building. The artist P.S. Krøyer (Peder Severin Krøyer) - was one of the leading and vibrant of the Skagen Painters - who was a part of the community with other Danish and Nordic artists that lived their colourful life in Skagen - and worked in cooperation with the other talented artist at the very top of Denmark. Most of the painters work can be seen at The Skagen Museum in Skagen and at The Hirschsprung Collection in Copenhagen. The painter did obviously find time to visit Copenhagen in 1895 - and paint the Bourse assembly at the Old Stock Exchange.


Rent The Old Stock Exchange...
...A Five Star Event Venue

The Old Stock Exchange - Your next Conference - Banquet and Event Venue!
The Old Stock Exchange - A Five Star Event Venue
The imposing entrance to the great exchange hall at the Old Stock Exchange edifice - with the Dragon Spire. And the prestigious Old Stock building is still an architectural pearl among other historical buildings in Copenhagen.
The Old Stock Exchange - A Five Star Event Venue

Your next Conference - Banquet and Event Venue!
The historical Old Stock Exchange from 1619 - has open it’s premises to hold your next Reception - Conference - Banquet - Gala Dinner - Sales Meeting - Exhibitions - Grand Buffet - Dinner Dance - Wedding or other types of arrangements and events in this old renaissance building - and landmark - where all guests and participants can suck up the presence of history and atmosphere - while the walls can tell many true stories of merchants and their merchandise - and the bustling activity in this former financial and trade centre.

A venue with several possibilities
We can help you to plan and organize your future arrangement with solutions that will match your specific requirements - and end the day or evening successfully.


Conference - Banquet and Event Venue -
exquisite tableware & table setting with excellent Dinner arrangements &
master class catering
with gourmet food options

Conference - Banquet and Event Venue
The Old Stock Exchange is used as a Conference - Banquet - Dinner Dance and Event Venue in historical surroundings - that meets and old-fashioned style in warm and personal atmosphere.
Exquisite tableware & table setting
The exquisite tableware with the monogram of King Christian IV - who is the builder of the Old Stock Exchange - and table setting is standard for every in-house event and arrangement.
Reception Area
The historic Reception area can hold receptions up to 600 guests.
The Grand Hall
The Grand Hall can cater up to 400 seating delegates and 300 dinner guests.
The Grand Hall & Screen
The Grand Hall offers the most advanced and latest A/V equipment.
Contact us for further information and enquiries: Contact
The Stock Exchange is located beside Christiansborg Palace - the Danish Parliament "Folketing" - and opposite Holmens Church and Knippels Bro (Knippels Bridge).

The Old Stock Exchange

Børsen (Old Stock Exchange)
1217 Copenhagen K

The Old Stock Exchange - Børsen.
Old Stock Exchange - Burnt Down!
Old Stock Exchange - Burnt Down
One of Copenhagen’s most historic and iconic buildings and architectural pearls - as well as 400 years of Danish cultural heritage - The 17th-century Old Stock Exchange - was raged by a devastating fire on Tuesday April 16 - 2024. Thousands of horrified and emotional Copenhageners burst into tears, when they witnessed their national treasure and landmark was surrounded by flames and black smoke - and then experienced the mythical dragon spire collapsed during a refurbishment and facelift of The Old Stock Exchange for its 400 year jubilee later in 2024. Fortunately, none of the workers - firefighters - emergency workforce or other persons were injured during the extinguishing work, and many valuable paintings and artefact was saved before most of this imposing Renaissance-style property burnt down to the ground.
King Christian IV.
In memory of the Old Stock Exchange
We want to commemorate this magnificent edifice by keeping this special page and presentation about the former and irreplaceable Old Stock Exchange, which tells a brief history of this legendary building and a great historical sight in Copenhagen.
Through 400 years, generations of Danes have used and admired this fabulous trade centre and grandiose Stock Exchange, left behind as an unforgettable legacy and impressive monument by one of the most cherished and popular Monarchs in Denmark's long and fascinating history, King Christian IV. And sadly, one of his most remarkable masterpieces has unluckily been lost forever.
Rent This Historical Venue: Come to Denmark
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