km of safe cycle tracks in Copenhagen
Visitors can actually take cycle trips from the
one end of the city to the other within 1 - 2
hours. Copenhagen is geared for cycles with over
350 km of safe cycle tracks in
and around the city.
800,000 cycles
in Copenhagen
Nearly every Copenhagener owns a bicycle - as
there are almost 800,000 cycles
in Copenhagen. Over 60% of all
Copenhageners cycle back and forth to work - to
the nearest station or to other public transportation
services. There are over 400 km
of save cycle tracks around the city - and should
the cyclist have a green wave between traffic
lights - the speed on a bicycle can easily reach
20 km per hour. Cycles are widely
used in the summertime - due to the suitable weather
conditions - even though the cycle tracks in the
winter period are effectively cleaned for snow
or other obstacles. Around 400,000
cyclists use their cycle’s everyday
commute back and forth to work - or leave their
cycles at bus stops - train station or at other
public transport venues. Copenhageners cycle averagely
800 km yearly on their precious
bicycles. The first separate bicycle tracks was
established in Copenhagen around the Lakes in
1910 - to secure the heavy growth
of cycles on the road at that time.
has a quite noble cycle culture
Copenhagen is a very biker friendly city
and has been it for almost 100 years
with a quite noble cycle culture
- and here are some basic rules
- when cycling in the city:
- Keep right and always use the bicycle tracks
- when available
- Use hand signals - when turning right or left
or stopping
- In Denmark there are no right turns on red
- Only one person is allowed on a cycle - and
riding side by side is --permitted
- Stop at bus stops - and permit passengers to
enter or --departure
the bus
- Front and rear light are obligatory at
night time - plus a bell
Cycle helmets are not compulsory - either for
children or adults
- Cycling against the traffic
flow of traffic is forbidden
"Loose Missiles"
When you cross a cycle path - look
before you leap - as some cyclist in Copenhagen
ride very fast on the cycle tracks - that they
sometimes are considered to be the "loose
missiles" of the city - as all cyclists
in Denmark have first priority
in the traffic. So take every precaution - when
you see a cyclist in Copenhagen. But there is
an astonishing good cycle culture
in Copenhagen - and cyclist will take good care
of all tourists and visitors. So - don’t
play “Adventurous or Courageous
Pedestrians” in any way in Copenhagen
- as there are numerous of “Pit
Stops” like pedestrian “Zebra
Crossings” all over town.
Culture in Denmark
The Danes have been cycling back and forth in
their towns for more than 100 years - and have
gained a certain form of special and kind cycle
culture - and the Danes just love their bikes.
Lanes and Paths
The first separate bicycle paths was established
in Copenhagen around the Lakes in 1910
- as the existing bridle paths was converted into
isolated safe Cycle tracks to secure the heavy
growth of cycles on the road at that time. Since
bicycle paths has been created all over Denmark
and is a part of the safe cycling culture in nearly
every Danish city.
Travel Service & Cycling Tours
conduct Cycling Tours for groups in Copenhagen
and all over Denmark. Especially the Isles of
Bornholm - Samsø - Lolland &
Falser plus Møn
are perfect cycling location with limited distances
for day tours between attractions and lodging